Addie, my beloved best friend

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Reread first (1-2) chapter(s) to fully understand this one.

  We sprinted through the woods as I made sure my bags were around me tightly and securely. We kept going for what seemed like hours, soon we were passing the beautiful woods I have first seen when we came out of the portal when I was 19. Now we were entering another pair of woods, full of darkness, crows, stepping on grass that sounded like stepping on cracking bones. The trees smelled like garbage bags-100 of them ripped full of spoiled food and other disgusting items. My nose wrinkled as I hoped we would pass this part of the journey soon. I wasn't tired, but Annabelle was. I stopped running and she sensed I stopped and she started panting, her whole forehead sweaty. I handed her a water bottle and she gulped it down. "I think I can get there faster, I have wings, we can fly there. We will have a low profile, but I obviously don't get tired easily. You can just direct me where to go." She nodded and finished her watter bottle and threw it into a black guey puddle and the water bottle was set to fire. She hopped on my back and I jumped as My wings flew out and I started flying following where she told me to go, soon we came out of the woods and a river was now in our path. I stopped and landed on my feet now tired. She sat on a log by the river "You've been going for 4 hours, We will just spend the night here. Tomorrow morning we will follow this river and we will be closer to the Illiana Mountians. We're gonna get Chase" She smiled at me. I pulled the bags off my shoulder and unzipped it grabbing a sandwich and a water bottle and I started eating. Annabelle did the same. The night was getting darker and Annabelle was rising up fixing to get some wood but I smirked and I raised my hand and 4 pieces of wood flew from the air and I placed it in the middle between my log and Annabelles log. I raised my other hand, raising both of them and pulling them lower slowly and then raised them fastly up again and fire rose. I smiled and began to munch on my sandwich again as I left Annabelle impressed. "You've been getting better" she commented. I replied with a small smile "Thanks, I've been trying" She said her face getting serious "You've been becoming a beautiful young woman. Your parents would be proud" My smile had disappeared at the mention of my parents. I don't even know them. I looked back up to Annabelle and said lowly "Thanks. But I'd like if you didn't mention my parents" Sympathy shined in her eyes and I forced myself to look away. I didn't want people feeling bad for me. "Karah.. They do love you. I know that. Don't talk about them as if they don't, they've done and risked a lot for you." I ignored her rage filling me. I got up and climbed a tree with ease and I used my hand and a pillow and covers popped up, the tree branch I was sitting on became longer I had gotten a roof with glowing stars. I smiled at my childish self and I made the tree next to me the same way and made the branches more like steps to the bed. I used my hand and raised our supplies on my tree on a branch, I made sure it was secure. I yawned and put my head on the fluffy pillow pulling the covers over my body as I fell into a deep sleep wishing Rose is safe and doing well.

 "KARAHONIA!" I jumped up looking around tiredly as the "secure" bed I made falling as we were heading towards the ground. My eyes widened and I crawled away my wings being shown, I grabbed the bag of supplies quickly before my eyes widen more. It wasn't even that cold last night- but everything was frozen over completely. It was snowing and the lake was completely frozen. I looked around for Annabelle, She was standing on the ground smiling at me weakly. The cold air reached my skin and the hairs on my neck rose. I wasn't wearing anything to support this weather- however Annabelle was not affected at all. Vampiresses. I grabbed my cloak and wrapped it tightly around my body. I could do a lot of things- but sadly making clothing wasn't something I could do. I reached the ground. Annabelle sighed relieved "There was a ice storm last night" I replied "No kidding" She tied her cloak around her as well and continued "Well we should continue." She pointed to the northern direction of the lake. "We should follow that part of the lake for a while, soon you will some large mountains, they usually have snow and stuff there so that isn't anything new from right now.. There is a huge Castle on the other side of the mountain. But sadly there is no going around the mountain, we have to go over it" I sighed and muttered "Oh goody" I motioned for her to get on my back and she did so, and I began flying over the frozen lake. We- well technically I were flying for a long while. I used my hands to make the snow twirl around me and Annabelle and she actually giggled like a little kid. I chuckled and I looked back at an blushing Annabelle. Annabelle looked away and her eyes widened and she yelled "HIDE BEHIND THE TREES!" I looked up and saw what she was talking about. Gasping I flew straight for the woods on the other side of the river and glanced between the trees using my super hearing to listen in to the 3 men conversation. Man 1: What the hell do you mean she isn't satisfied? She already fucking has 5 slaves there. What else does she need? Man 2: I only deliver orders sir. Man 3 (laughs): It's nothing new. Addie is always the sexual bitch. Almost every man in town has fucked her. I wouldn't be surprised if she had HIV.- Man 1 & 3 laugh- Man 1: Alright John, Tell her she'll be having 2 more men ordered her way. Man 2(or John as we now know): Alright sir. How much will that be? Man 3: Well, these 2 slave boys will be over 2 grand. But she also owes us other fees from the other slaves shes kept for to long- so all together she owes 3.4 grand. We need them back or she will end up paying for the eternity bill even if she doesn't want them that long.. Which could be over 100 million bucks considering all of the ones shes already kept over to long. Man 2(nods and walks away from the scene walking up the mountain. Man 1 & 3 chuckle as they walk on the frozen lake to the other part of the forest. Addie? He said Addie. My fists balled and Annabelle whispered "Well it looks like this woman isn't just only doing Chase." I glared at the tree and rose. "Its time we run in the parade" Annabelle got back on my back and I flew higher watching John. He was so freaking slow. I just continue to fly over him using the clouds hiding my appearance. Annabelle gasped and pointed through the clouds. "That's it! That's the castle!" I looked down at the tiny castle. I turned to Annabelle and yelled "Hold tight!" Her grip on me became tighter as she prepared herself. I lunged myself downwards towards the castle tucking my wings back. We were almost going to hit the roof of the castle but I opened my wings and we flew backwards but gently landed on the roof. I put Annabelle down getting serious. This was it. I'm going to get Chase. I found out quickly there was a fireplace. I pulled Annabelle towards me and put a force field around us and I dropped us into the fireplace. I stepped out but quickly hid behing a tall plant as a servant with wine walking through the living room. I heard a familiar feminine voice shouting "WHERE IS MY WINE!" I frowned at the familiarity. I was praying it wasn't Addie.. Addie raping and being so sexual wasn't her. Nor raping or beating people were. And how did she get so high ranked up? I started fuming remembering Chase. I whispered to Annabelle "I can't risk you getting hurt. Stay here while I find Chase.. Everything is going to be fine" She was fixing to argue but I said harshly but still keeping a low tone "You aren't like me. I already have powers- more than you. I'll be fine without you so there is no reason for you to come." She sighed defeated knowing I was right. She nodded at me confirming it and I nodded back flying up on the ceilings looking around. I heard a plate shatter. I found myself in the kitchen were I found Addie, my ex best friend, different. She had breast implants and butt implants that was sure and she was thicker in skin. She wasn't a plastic doll to be honest. But I didn't want answers. I need Chase. I looked over and saw a man. It looked like he hadn't bathed. His blonde hair long and messily done. He was literally wearing rags. Addie yelled "I told you to clean the dishes!" He whimpered "I did" Addie raged further "YOU SEE THIS!" She grabbed another plate with a scratch on it. "ITS STILL DIRTY!" The man replied "Thats a scratch not dirt m-m'am" he stuttered. She threw the plate at his head and I saw blood dripping from his cheek. His face raised up and looked at Addie. My eyes were locked on his green swirling eyes. Chase. I couldn't control myself. I screamed and Addie and Chase looked up at me and I punched Addie right in her face. She snarled and was fixing to yell but her face went from anger then shock and she asked "Karah?" It raged me even more and I flew her across the room cracking the wall. I was on my knees caressing Chase's face and I whispered "I'm gonna get you home" He stared in my eyes sadness filling the eyes that once were filled with life and smirks. I got up staring at Addie who just gained her composure. I grabbed her fake hair and threw her across the other side of the room while she yelled for her servants. I looked up as 5 men in rags walked in that looked like in the same state as Chase and 3 other maiden girls. They stood there watching as I pinned the heartless bitch to the ground. Addie yelled "WELL!?!" Instead of helping their beloved owner, they stood there smiling and cheering me on. I kneed her in her stomach once I raised her up and I stared into her eyes and muttered "who the hell do you think you are?!" Her eyes stared at the ground and I used my powers to chain her wrists and ankles to the wall and I yelled saying words I didn't even understand- and before you know it I passed out exhaustingly.


I feel so accomplished I got 2 chapters done in one day! I hope you enjoy, I'll be working on the next chapter tomorrow morning!

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