Party w C

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WARNING: may have foul language

 After a bit of training Chase led me to my room I'd be staying in. He was wearing tights for the training which looked quite funny to me and I tried to hold back a giggle. While he walked in front of me my eyes wondered down to his firm bum. I bit my lower lip smiling. "Its not good to check out one mans butt when you are engaged to another ones mans butt" I glared. He totally ruined the moment.. well my moment of his firm butt. "I'm not engaged to any butt nor with any butt in that way" He laughed and replied "Well you see your statement is false because the only way all of this would've happened is for you to have sex with another vampire." I replied glaring "It wasn't like I had a choice. I was bought from my family and my best friend and I don't even know whats going on with her right now, I actually really don't even have a freaking family actually, its not like they ever cared. Oh wait lets not forget they aren't even my real parents, oh no. I don't even know who my fucking parents are!" I yelled and then he stopped walking and I slammed into his back and I blinked a few times before he turned around, his hands on my waist firmly pressing me against the wall in a matter of seconds. My breathe seemed to be caught in my throat because I couldn't find a way to make a sound. I stared into his eyes while he stared into mine. So much emotion going through just eye contact. no words were needed. My eyes glanced at his lips, they looked delicious.. but I'm sure he has many other girls in his bedroom right now waiting for those lips I wonder what they tasted like.. His hands started rubbing my sides and he started leaning and my crave for this boy traveled down my spine to my knees and other places I will not explain. THUMP. I opened my eyes confused when he was no longer next to me, until I find Derek trying to punch him but miserably failing. Chases vampire speed was a bit to much for Derek. I tried to hold back a laugh but it just came out. I used my super hearing the best I could, and focused only on that as I heard the two boys using their speed chasing each other. Oh gosh. I heard Derek yell "SHE WAS BOUND TO ME SINCE BIRTH YOU CAN'T TAKE HER AWAY TO, I NEED HER. I WANT SOMETHING OF MY OWN. YOU TAKE EVERYTHING YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" My heart broke as I heard him. How has he not had his own thing? I turned around to see The Queen, Annabelle. She smiled slightly at me and motioned me next to her and I did. "I see you have made yourself quite comfy here." I chuckled softly "not so much anymore" She smiled sweetly at me and we walked down the long hallway. I could see The King passing these ridiculous laws, but the Queen was so kind, at least she seemed like it. How could she decide to be with a guy like that? "Being a royal, I have certain powers, one is reading minds." She smirked at me and I kinda blushed and I murmured "I'm sorry" She smiled once again and replied "Its fine my dear. The King wasn't always like that. I've known him ever since I was three. Our families were great friends. Back in the 1800's. Our families were rich folk, and had a tight bond that no one knew about. Witchcraft. They created a new species, a new "thing" close to the "dark side" but not dead. Vampires. Me and Luther were the experiments. We are the oldest vampires alive and that is how we earned our title. I know from what you've heard of us and what has happened to you that you'd think we'd be such horrible people, well creatures. But we aren't. When Luther turned eighteen, which would've been four years of being a vampire, he started changing. He started hanging out with his father, his father showing him how to do things. Vampires don't need human blood to survive. We may lust after it after a slight taste, but we don't need it to depend on life or death. Well Luthers father trained him on how to taste human blood. To crave it, to love it. He'd send Luther to even kill some people who wouldn't sell their companies to his father. He changed immediately after that. But when I knew him before then, he was this amazing, smart and nice kid. He couldn't kill a fly. Now he has completely forgotten that he was once a human to, he is concieted. But when he asked me to marry him, I said yes. Because I still loved him. He loved me too, I knew that much. But now it doesn't seem to have any feeling, like he has lost his soul and his humanity with it. I've always held on to what I have of me being a human. I'll never forget what it was like, it was so much more lively, open, happy. Now I feel closed in and trapped. Its hard to explain. I'm sorry for dumping all of that on you, I was actually coming to tell you about a party." I smiled softly "its completely fine. And a party?" She continued "Yes, a party. Just to mingle around, have some sex, drink, enjoy life. And enjoy every single bit of it. Because things will be changing, and we don't have much time. Oh, and Chase will be taking you to it. Its underground, its a place only vampires go. And I won't take no for an answer, it won't be accepted. Because I promise you'll regret it. Have some fun. And he will pick you up from your room at six pm and its four pm right now, so I suggest you get hurrying. C'mon, your room is just around the corner. All of the clothes in the closets are brand new but will fit you perfectly" We turned a corner and she stopped and I asked "Why is Chase taking me and not Derek?" She smirked and opened the door "Have a great time" I looked up and said "Wait.. what?"  but by the time I looked up she was gone. I rolled my eyes with a smile and walked inside the bedroom which was basically no different then Dereks at his house just more girlier. I went to the closet and grabbed a black tight skirt with a black tight top that showed off some skin. I slipped on some converses. Nothing else to do since I did my hair and stuff earlier on today. I walked out of my room walking around until I heard some moaning and gasping. I ran using my hearing to find where it was coming from and I opened the door ( and yes I know this is wrong but I would find it hilarious to walk in something like this) then I saw a girl riding.. Chase.. awkwardd... I slammed the door behind me and I could feel my cheeks burning red. Well, I wasn't expecting that.

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