The Mark of Beauty

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"You are what is called, the chosen one" I nodded waiting for him to continue. "You are not a vampire, but of another species. But we are sorta the same. You are princess Karahonia(Karah-hone-ee-ah)" my eyes widened and I felt like I was going to faint. A princess? "Well, more like queen. But your parents have gone missing since your birth. I'll show you the lands you were supposed to rule. My family, queen and king of the Vampire kingdom had set us to get married since birth. But a war came about with the witches and the, well your kind is called the Fallen Angels, some call them Demons. Anyways, the witches got in a war with your kind and for your safety your mother, a half witch herself had set a spell on you to be considered human until you make love to a person of the opposite gender. And that was me. Your kind are the most beautiful, but have been forgotten. Ever since the war the fallen angels have went into hiding. But now your spell has been set free you will have millions trying to attack you. I will guard you with my life Karah. I'm sorry this is all so overwhelming but you have to try to get past the shock and go straight to fighting mode. Because you will be having some crazy things happening to you. And you are a huge target for the Witches. Since your mother was a witch herself, you have some of that blood in you. We will hide out at my parents place and get you training. You are the most powerful thing in the world if you did not know. Your kind is the most strongest on earth. And you are a witch as well, so you are even more stronger. You'll heal a lot faster than many others. I'll explain the rest when time." I just sat there, dumb founded. What the crap man? I know he said try to move past the shock but damn. How?? And where are my parents? Good lord.. What is happening? I looked back on the mirror. Crystal blue eyes and long black here all the way to my butt. I did look beautiful. Way more than it did before. I glanced at my wrist and a mark was there. A flower, a very gorgeous one. And it had rims around it. It's very hard to explain. "That's a mark of beauty. All of the royals have that mark" I nodded my fingers tracing over it and I felt tingles throughout my body. I frowned Immediately. "The mark is something very delicate. When making love to one the mark turns into a golden color and will appear on your partners chest and it will be gold on that partners chest for life, and after the experience your mark will fade to it's other color. It's very beautiful on the partner and men loved to boast about it when they used to rape your kind. They found y'all's weakness and used it against you. Y'all get aroused easily. Just a small gentle rub and you are prepared to do anything. But I have to train you to gain more control. Anyways, sorry. Let's get going. I'll get you something more suitable" he got up and walked outside of the bedroom leaving me sitting there quietly and amazed. He came back with a black dress. It had long sleeves with white flowery endings. It was a low cut and It had a necklace to come with. A simple necklace with a white pearl in the middle. Right below where the breasts there were black laces and more white floral. It was beautiful none the less. "take a shower and get dressed. We will be heading to my parents castle"

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