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 I looked up and saw the Queen, Miss Annabelle. "Miss Annabelle?" I asked and took her hand as I used it to help me stand up correctly. "Yes deary its me, oh gosh. Where have you been? Its been 3 years! So much has happened, I can't even explain. I have to get you somewhere safe before someone spots us." she said eagerly grabbing my shoulders as she put a black cloak around me and I pulled the hoody over my head more confused as ever. Miss Annabelle pulled her red cloak over her head and we were dashing through the castles hallways. Everything was dirty, I even saw a mouse scattering away as we ran past. What has happened? I thought. A swirling white and blue light popped out from no where and Miss Annabelle screamed "Jump in!" She grabbed my hand and pulled us both in. I squeezed my eyes shut as we went inside this weird flashing light. I opened my eyes slowly the forests scent washing over my nose. But it wasn't just any forest. It was the most beautiful forest I had ever laid eyes on. There was a lake near by, the water was clear but it seemed to dance with the sun as it reflected on the lake. I could see birds, neon green, blue, and even purple soaring through the sky. The trees, they smelled fresh. The leaves the most purest of green. Even the grass was  perfect. 'Where are we?" I asked. "Doans Hollow. A queen and king rule over these lands, they even have a princess your age. You are what, now 19?" "If three years have pasted, then yes. I'm 19. But how could three years past? I was just going to a party with Chase.. drinking a drink this man bought me. I can't even remember his name... BRYAN! Yes his name is Bryan.. And then everything goes blurry and I pass out for what seems 3 minutes and wake up and everything is a disaster, I checked all over the place for Chase but he wan't there. A bunch of vampires were dead, dried blood on their faces.. I don't even understand.. Do you know where Chase is? Is he okay? Why did you even have to leave the castle?" Miss Annabelle sighed heavily. "I'm sorry Karah, but we really don't have time to explain what has all happened. I'll explain once we get food to eat and rest at the King and Queens castle, Derek is there with them" I nodded still wanting answers. She pulled the hood off of her head and let her blonde curls flow down to her waist her green eyes sparkling in the suns light. She was beautiful and I hardly ever had the time to admire it. I took the hood off of my head as well and noticed my hair had grown a little bit further than my waist, and my hair was dirty and greasy just like the rest of my body. We walked through the woods that I adored the whole way until a castle came into sight. Miss Annabelle pointed to the castle that was on a hill "That's our destination, the castle of Doans Hollow." I nodded and mumbled "Its beautiful" We continued walking and we walked up the hill until we finally arrived. The gates opened and We walked past the gates to the back door of the castle. Miss Annabelle opened the door for me and I walked in. My jaw dropped as I looked inside the castle. A crystal chandelier, the walls painted a light pink with white rims. Miss Annabelle cracked a smile. "Welcome to the Doan Hollow kingdom. Its quite known for its beauty. Now I'll take you to Babeline, the princess to show you where you are staying and to wash up. They dress differently here, they aren't modern. They all wear dresses like what I am wearing now. So, don't expect her to hand you a pair of blue jeans and a T shirt." She chuckled and motioned me to follow her as we walked out of the room and into the hallways. She stopped in front of a door with the letter "B" and knocked. A girl opened the door, she had blonde hair and blue eyes with pale skin. Her dress was white and with a light pink. Her crown was made of gold, but had more of a flowery design. "How may I help you?" She flashed her pearly white and straight teeth. Miss Annabelle smiled. "This is princess Karahonia, she needs a room and to wash up. She's the princess of Fallen Angels." Babelines eyes widened and she walked out and closed the door behind her. "Well we must get you cleaned up straight away" She took my wrist and rushed down the hallways and I turned back to see Miss Annabelle chuckling at my pain. Thats just cruel.I thought shaking my head. Babeline opened a door and the room was perfect. A marshmallow looking soft bed, light pink walls, a beautiful dresser and basically everything in this kingdom is perfect. Babeline went to the closet and grabbed a dress, It was black and white. "It is my size, I don't know if it'll fit but you can give it a try. The bathroom has shampoo, conditioner, everything. I'll be in my room across the hallway if you need anything else" Then she walked out of the room closing the door gently. I walked into the bathroom, striping down and turning on the warm water. I stepped in the shower pulling the curtain to the side washing my body with mildly  scolding water which did feel good on my skin. I washed my body and hair (Which my hair took forever to wash completely since its so freaking long). And wrapped the towel around my body. I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut my hair to my waist, making my hair even without slit ends. I blow dried my hair and walked out of the bathroom slipping on the white and black dress that did compliment my body perfectly. I searched for shoes in the closet and finally found a pair of white boots that were my size. I went into the bathroom and decided to curl my hair and wash my face. I put my cloak on the bed and opened the door and saw Miss Annabelle walking by. I used my speed to chase after her and stopped right in front of her and she ran into me. I smiled apologetically and said "Miss Annabelle, I would really like some answers now." She sighed and sat down on the bench in the hallway and I sat next to her. "It all started at midnight, Chase running through the hallways sounding the alarm and yelling for everyone to get somewhere safe. No one had a clue what was happening. Chase kept asking for a witch, a certian witch that could help you. Well he learned that she could not get you out since the barriers, or portals which are the mirrors were being destroyed. To save your life, she put you in a coma, no one knew how long you could be in the coma, but thats all she could do. She also put another mirror in there to help you whenever you wake up. Word was spread through the world that Miss Karahonia, the queen of Fallen Angels, had risen. Our castle had number of attacks, the creatures with wings like birds on them so they could fly, shape shifters, even some witches came. Our castle was cursed by the witches that all vampires who had died be sent to that castle and torture and haunt us forever. I visit the castle every monday as secretly as possible because the witch who had helped us told us it would be on  a monday when you would be set free. And here you are. Derek was fighting for our castle, our home, but he became badly injured. He got piosoned when he got shot, the bullet was full of it. He's been recovering here ever since then. He's still very weak, but he can walk around and stuff, he just can't be fighting or defending anyone for a very long time. The witch and Chase had made a deal for when he did so of what he did, and that was to be engaged to that witches daughter."

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