JP (Synchro): To a certain extent. The way he explained it to us was complicated. I'll have to tell it you another time.

[A child starts walking towards the duel runner. A mother grabs the child. She screams that there are Commoners. JP (Synchro) panics]

JP (Synchro): Get on the bike. It's time to go.

Zuzu: What's going on?

JP (Synchro): No time to explain. Just get on!

[JP (Synchro) throws a helmet to Zuzu and she climbs on. JP (Synchro) rides away]

Zuzu: What's going on?

JP (Synchro): In this world, you have two type of people. Commoners and top people. I'm what's known as a Commoner. Basically I live in the slums. The top people want to make sure that I stay there.

[Officer 227 arrives on his bike]

Officer 227: Pull over immeditaley.

Zuzu: You should pull over!

JP (Synchro): No. I'm not going back to the Facility.

Zuzu: What's that?

JP (Synchro): It's basically jail times infinity. If you get caught then you never see the light of day again.

Zuzu: That's terrible.

[The duel mode on the duel runner activates]

JP (Synchro): He's forcing me into a duel. Just great.

[A helicopter flies next to the duelists]

JP (Synchro): Now we have an audience. Just great.

Melissa: Hi, my name is Melissa Claire and I'm reporting on a live duel. A runaway is currently being chased by Officer 227. This looks like an exciting match!

Officer 227: I'll let you go first! It will be the only mercy that you get from me!

JP (Synchro): Time to make the Original Proud. Let's rev it up!

Turn 1-JP (Synchro)

JP (Synchro)-8000 LP/Officer 227-8000 LP

JP (Synchro): My turn. I place one card face down. I summon Goblinbergh in ATK Mode!

Goblinbergh: Level 4- 1400 ATK/ 0 DEF

JP (Synchro): Its special ability allows me to summon Junk Synchron from my hand.

Junk Synchron: Level 3- 1300 ATK/ 500 DEF

JP (Synchro): I tune my Level 3 Junk Synchron with my Level 4 Goblinbergh! Beat your wings to whip up a whirlwind of destruction! I Synchro Summon! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!

Clear Wing Synchro Dragon: Level 7- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

JP (Synchro): Turn end.

Melissa: The convict starts out strong by Synchro Summoning a powerful monster!

Turn 2-Officer 227

JP (Synchro)-8000 LP/Officer 227- 8000 LP

Officer 227: My turn. I draw. I place a monster face down in DEF Mode. From my hand I activate a spell: Swords of Revealing Light! Now you can't attack for 3 turns! I end my turn.

Melissa: The officer plays it safe with a monster face down and a spell card.

Turn 3-JP (Synchro)

JP (Synchro)-8000 LP/Officer 227- 8000 LP

JP: You're a coward. You have nothing in your deck to beat so you stall. Some officer you are. My turn. Draw. I place one card face down and a monster face down in DEF Mode and end my turn.

Four Becoming One: A Yu Gi Oh Story [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now