Roman didn't reply straight away, instead he crossed the room to his office chair and sat down. He leant back in his chair his face looking as if he was processing my words before replying.

After what felt like hours of silence but in reality it was more like a couple of seconds Roman spoke.

"Who have you made plans with?" he asked calmly raising an eyebrow in my direction.

"Just a friend, we just want go have a coffee and a catch up" I replied smiled at him.

"Are we talking a shifter or human friend?" Roman continued his stance remaining relaxed.

"Human friend, I haven't seen many of my human friends since....well since everything happened" I answered, the forced smile now completely dropping from my face as soon as I had referred to my abduction and the deaths of my parents.

"That's fine" Roman simply stated causing my eyes to widen in shock.

"It is?" I wanted the conformation, I felt like this had all gone far too smoothly.

"Of course, I will let everyone know that you will have a human visitor over on Saturday, and make sure everyone is on their best behaviour" he said turning his attention back to his stacks of paper work assuming that the conversation was over. But it wasn't, not by a long shot.

"Roman, I didn't say I was staying on the compound..." I said immediately catching his attention again.

"You also didn't say you weren't. You just said you were going for coffee, we have a coffee shop here" I could tell her was trying to end the conversation, because he was still sort of focusing on his work and not on me and honestly, that irritated me.

I stood up from the sofa, my battered and bruised legs protested, but I ignored them as I made my way across the room to stand in front of Roman's massive wooden desk. Placing my hand flat on the surface I lowered my head so that I was eye to eye with him.

"Do. Not. Try. And. Handle. Me." I bit out furious that he had just tried to control the situation, and had attempted to brush me off.

Roman's golden eyes bore into my violets ones, his face emotionless as he waited for my next move, so I gave him one.

"I will be going into town on Saturday, I will be meeting up with my friend Chaz and if you're lucky I might even come back" I fumed turning my back on Roman, before storming out of his office.

Before I had even heard him move he was in front of me, his eyes were now completely void of any colour. I felt before I saw his arms shoot out of grab me by my waist, and almost instantly my feet left the ground. I instinctively wrapped my legs tightly around his hips, as he brought his mouth to my ear.

"Now Kitten, why don't we try this again and I want the whole story this time" he growled his hot breath caressing my skin with every word, sending goosebumps cascading over my entire body.

My brain quickly tried to formulate a comeback, some sort of witty remark. But the connection between my brain and mouth had been compelled severed by his touch. However my traitorous brain was still sending a whole bunch of signals, to the rest of my body.

A gust of wind quickly surrounded my increasingly heated body, before I felt something hard hit against my back. Once I came back to my senses I realised that Roman had me trapped, between his powerful heaving body and the top of his desk. The paperwork that had been there previously, was now covering the floor below us.

The pressure of Roman's body on top of mine was lighting me up upside. My mouth was dry, I couldn't think straight and my heart was racing against his. Roman effortlessly straddled my hips pinning me down, his onyx eyes peering deeply into mine.

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