29. Get Him

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I lay on the couch, exhausted from all of the packing and transporting we've been doing for the past three hours. Other than the tv, bed, and a few pairs of clothes, everything is already set up at our new house, just fifteen minutes away from here.

The guys and I are all just hanging out in the living room, when all of sudden, the front door bursts open. Gun shots being fired at us, thankfully missing us.

I leap behind the couch, using it as a cover. 

I lift my head slightly over the couch, to see two woman wearing masks, and three men. They send shot after shot at us, hoping to shut our eyes once and for all.

I pull my pistol, aiming at the men, while the women are no where to be found. They don't stop, and neither do I. 

Landon being beside me, munches me, pointing to the front door.

There limps Lucea, leaning onto the two women, walking out the front door.

His greasy blonde hair blowing through the wind, his face full of his blood, his clothes ripped and stained from the words that we wrote onto his hairless chest.

The asshat is smart; I'll give him that.

He is also tight-lipped. For his few days here, he hasn't given us a hint of who has told him all about Carter. Or what his main goal was when he came into my house, capturing my wife and mother.

No matter the numerous punches we threw at him, or how deep the knives cut, he wouldn't say a thing that would help us.

All he managed to do, while he was here, is piss me off.

Maybe that was his goal here. To side track me, from doing something more important. Because of him, I've neglected the drug deals, the club we ran, and the wedding details that Sawyer was indecisive on. 

The past few days, all I was focused on was to get answers from Lucea, and I couldn't even do that.

I thought of bring Sawyer in, a few times, but I knew that would be more toxic, than helpful.

We've come so far, I didn't want her to see all that I've done to someone that she once cared for.

So, I hadn't told her a thing about him. All I would tell her is that he wasn't talking, I didn't tell her about how we burnt him with cigarettes, when I beat him, or when we cut "I suck dick" into his chest.

He just wouldn't talk. All he did was scream in pain, when he couldn't hold it back. That and threaten everyone I cared about, including Sawyer.

I couldn't let him escape. I knew what he said he would do, was a promise, not a threat. How he promised to come for Sawyer one day, and that day would be the last I'd ever see of her alive.

I had to stop before he made good on his words.

"Go get him. We'll finish these guys off," Landon shouted over the sounds of gun fire.

He didn't have to tell me twice. I ran, dodging the bullets the best I could, and jumped though the window.

Glass cutting into my bare skin, ripping my once clean t-shirt.

I ignore the fresh blood running down my face and my forearms; wanting nothing more than to kill Lucea before he slipped through my fingers.

I shot my gun, but it was no use shooting at a SUV that was already flying down the road. The tires kept rolling, not one bullet making contact with them.

He did it. He broke out. 

It's not a matter of if he comes back, but a matter of when.

And when he does, I'll be here. Waiting for him, ready to send a silver bullet through his thick skull.

But, for now, I'll have to make sure every member in this gang, and Killian's gang is ready. No can threaten my wife and get away with it. I will keep her safe and alive.

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