27. Family Now

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The night ended in such a blur. I don't remember coming home, let alone falling asleep in my bed.

Thankfully, the curtains are closed. Because, if they weren't I'm pretty sure my head ache would be even worse than it is now.

I also woke up alone. Axel wasn't in the bed with me, and the bathroom door is open, meaning that he isn't in there.

I sigh, to hungover to just get up and leave the bed just yet. I just lay, in the quiet. There's just so much silence, that I can bathe in it. 

Where is everyone?

I slowly get up, off the bed, and walk leisurely, down the stairs. There's no one in the living room, so the next place I look, is the kitchen.

I quietly pad my way into the room, to find Axel standing before the stove, with headphones in.

I smile, watching him cook, while singing to whatever he's listening to.

I try to hold my laugh in, knowing that if he saw me, he would stop doing what he is now.

I hope that some day, he would just let his goof ball out around me, not afraid to be who he is. That he may act weird, but I wouldn't want it any other way. That I want to chance to meet Axel, all sides of him.

After last nights beating, I hope that he knows he shouldn't be afraid to be himself around me. Whether it's his angry side, or his goofy self, I want to know them all. To embrace them, to love them, if he would just me the chance too.

I jump, as he turns around surprised that I'm in the same room as him. 

When he took notice of my presents, he quickly put his hand behind his back, pulling out his pistol. His body tense, and his eyes trained on me. He sighs in relief, when he sees it's just me.

"Sorry," he mumbles.

I ignore his apology. 

This isn't the first time a gun was pulled on me, out of surprise. My parents would always be in their own little world together, which lead to dad pulling a gun on me sometimes.

I always found it amazing, how after all these years, they still act as if they did, when they first started dating. If it didn't amaze me, it gross me out. One of the reasons I always knocked on their door, instead of barging right in.

"Good morning," I smile.

"How are you feeling?"

"I have a headache, and my stomach feels like the slightest move with cause me to toss my cookies," I announces truthfully, taking a seat at the island. "Soo, about last night-"

"I know, what I did was completely uncalled for. It's just, I hated the thought of me ever hurting you, so when someone else thought that I would made me snap. I'm sorry, Saw."

"You think that I care about what anyone else thinks about me," I chuckle. "All that matters to me, is my family and Axel, you are my family now. I want you to know that you never have to feel sorry for being who you are. What you did, you were raised to do that. So, was I. I don't care, what I was going to ask was, how did we get home last night?"

He sends me a small smile. Explaining that after we danced a little with the guys, the girls and I started taking shot after shot. How we were gushing about how hot they all were. Which I knew Gracelyn would do, but Vanessa and I? I find that hard to believe. That I was so drunk, Axel had to carry me out, up the stairs and into bed.

After explaining what happened last night, Axel finished making eggs for us both, knowing that my stomach wouldn't agree with me after last night. 

Today, is one of those rare days about how I don't want to go on any missions. All I want to do, is spend the day watching movies, with Axel. That is if he doesn't have any work to do.

But, since I haven't seen Alexzander around lately, he must still be running the gang, until after our wedding.

Which, at this moment, I don't really mind. It gives us the chance to get to know else other more.

"After I run down to the basement for a bit, we'll start watching those movies. I won't be that long, while I'm gone, you can start picking out the movies. But, promise me you won't pick The Titanic," he rolls his eyes.

"I promise. I don't haven't even watched that movies before. But from what I've heard, I rather not," I scrunch my nose of the thought of it.

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