6. Don't Have a Choice

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I hear a knock on the door, but I don't care to say "come in" or even open my eyes. I'm to tired to.

I was up late, arguing with Axel about who's going to sleep in the bed. Until, me being the smart and generous person I am and told him that we could share. I mean, come on, it was a king sized bed, I'm so small that he wouldn't even notice I was laying beside him.

Another knock was heard before I heard a voice.

"Axel, have you seen Sawy- Oh, never mind."

I open my eyes to find Karen, standing at the threshold of the room.

"Good morning, you two. Am I a grandma yet?"

I give her a questioning look before spotting a heavy arm wrapped around my waist.

I turn my head, finding a very shirtless and good looking sleeping Axel.

"Aaah!" I scream, pushing him away, onto the floor.

I can hear Karen giggling, but I ignore her existents, focusing on Axel.

"What the hell, Sawyer?"

"You were supposed to stay on your side! Why was I given only half a foot, with you basically sleeping on top of me?! You aren't getting any, boy! Keep it in your pants!"

"I was sleeping," he stands, shouting back at me. "And it's not my fault that a beautiful girl was sleeping beside me!"

"Woman! Girl is like very small and very young! Are you a pedophile, Axel! If so the wedding is off!"

"By girl, I meant female! I would never! They couldn't possibly handle all of this," he gestures to his body.

"Oh, please. Like you're that good," I snort.

"Want to see how good I really am?" he smirks.

"Whoa! It was fun while it lasted! I know you're getting married, but don't give me grandkids while I'm in the room! Axel Johnathan Knight, I thought I raised you better."

I stare at Karen, forgetting she was even in the room.

I can feel the heat creep up upon my face at this point.

"Obliviously not," he mumbles.

This morning was just full of surprises. First, I wake up to a clingy Axel. And second, I'm listen to Karen and Axel argue about how she had raised him.

"So," I interrupt the two. "Why did you come looking for me?"

"I just came to tell you that there is breakfast on the table. I came in to tell Axel as well. So, this is like killing two birds with one stone."

I feel like this will be the talk of the house now. It's obvious, that this family is close, so I'm guessing that they will take a cheap shot where ever they can.

At least, that's what my family would do. We always did taunt each other.

I can remember last year, my parents and I were all watching tv, it was very quiet, other than the sound of the tv. So, when my dad farted, mom got scared. It didn't help the fact that she was right beside him, so now whenever we hear one another fart, we still ask if she got scared. I know it's very weird, but it was also every funny. Mom was even laughing at how she reacted. LOL she was basically about to jump out of her seat.

"Come on, love birds. You can kiss and make up after breakfast," Karen called out as she walked out of the room.

Yup, we will be hearing about this for a while now. The question is, when will it die down?

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