4. Be Careful

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I have never been so angry in my entire life.

I had no say on who I will spend the rest of my life with. I didn't have a say on where we will live. I didn't have a say in it all.

Most kids my age will smoke pot, or drink at parties. I, however, will be getting married. To the enemy.

I now wish I was normal. Something I never thought I would say. I loved my dangerous life, I loved how I was different, but now I wish I lived differently. I wished to live like every other 17 year old. To be in high school with a boyfriend that played some sport. Classes that I would be barely passing in, teachers to annoy with my tartiness. Parents that hated the amount of time I spend with my boyfriend, that want me to rather focus in school and finding out who I really am in this world.

But, that's just not who I am. I'm a gang leader's daughter. And to be the next in line gang leader's wife. And I bet, soon after gang leaders next in line mother.

I just hope I would at least have time to adjust to my new life before being that last one.


I jump, turning around to see him at the threshold of my bedroom.

I'm supposed to be packing, but I finished that. I just wanted a few minutes to myself before everything changed.

I'm moving in with Axel and his family, until the wedding. Then we would have a house to ourselves and the title of gang leader under our belts.

"What do you want?" I sigh.

"My parents told me to come help you with your bags."

I can't even have five minutes to myself to think without them sending him up to check up on me.

They must have little faith in me, if they think I was about to run.

That would actually be a good idea, if I were stupid.

I know they would come looking for me. I would spend my life always looking over my shoulder, until they found me. And I might just be punished for that. So, I won't run. There's no point. No way out. I might as well just try to enjoy it.

On the bright side, he is good looking.

"I'm fine, thank you."

"Sawyer. We're to be married. We might as well, as least try to get to know each other," he states running a hand through his dark hair.

"Alright, here's something you should know about me. I hate it when men open the door for me, that is unless I have something in my hands."

"Thank God. I don't have to act like a try hard," Axel smiles.

I laugh, happy that he wouldn't argue with me on that.

I hate when people wait on me hand and foot. I can do it myself, I don't need their help. That and I like things to be done my way, no one can do it, like I can.

"Anything else I should know?"

"Um . . . I hate sushi."

"Again, thank God."

Axel isn't as bad as I thought he was. But I still have a lot to know about him.

"You ready?"

"Yeah," I sigh.

I grab two small suitcases, as Axel grabs a big box.

I hope, I at least get a big bed wherever I'm staying.

Once everything is packed away, I'm about to jump in Axel's cars. Until, my name is being called.

"Sawyer! You are crazy if you think you can just leave without hugging your parents first."

"What parents?" I mumble.

"Come on, Sawyer. Just two seconds. That's all it takes," Axel states already in his car, waiting.

"Fine," I growl.

I slowly walk towards my parents.

I don't want to talk to them, much less than hug them.

I stiffen as my mother's arms quickly go around my neck.

I then, bring my arms up, wrapping around her waist, loving her comforting smell.

Once, we pull away, I face my dad.

Today was just not our day. We never fought. We were always close, which makes it even more surprising that he would just ship me off to marry a complete stranger.

"You be good, you hear me."

"When am I ever not good," I smirk.

"Always," he smiles down at me.

That all it takes for me to smile back, going in for a hug.

Dad is about half a foot taller than me, so I press the side of my face to his chest, my arms rap around his waist. His arm around my neck, his other hand gently rub my back.

"I love you," I whisper.

"I love you too, baby. I'm sorry about this, but it's best for the family."

I pull away from him, looking deep into his eyes. Seeing that he really is sorry for what he is doing to me.

"I understand," I nod. "I better get going."

"Yeah, have a safe trip."

I turn, not wanting to have a last look at my childhood home. I don't want to cry. I hate crying, it makes me feel so weak.


I stop, slowly turning to face my parents.

"Be careful."

I couldn't stop the tear the slip from my eye at the sound of my father warning me.

"I will . . . you too."

With that, I finally enter Axel's car.

I rest my head against the passenger window, just wanting to sleep. Anything to stop myself from crying. But it doesn't work, the road is to bumpy.

My eyes snap open, as I feel a hand placed on top of my own.

I look at Axel, confused at his action.

I try to ignore how warm and large his hand is over mine.

He just continues to drive, acting as if nothing is happening. Once he finally notices my stare, he sends me a small smile. Making my insides melt, at his friendly gesture.

Marrying The Gang LeaderWhere stories live. Discover now