16. I Loved You, Sawyer

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I hate my dad for taking my gun. Before I left, he told me I won't be needing it where I'm going. That I would be safe, a trophy wife, that trophy wives don't need guns. He told me that I would be safe, that no one in their right minds would try to hurt me now.

That was stupid, because I need a fucking gun everywhere I go.

I wish I had my gun now. I miss it, more than I miss my family.

Four men come in through the front door. Two from the back, and three come down the stairs.

What the hell is happening?

They're all tall, all wearing black, all holding guns.

They surround Karen and I, in the kitchen.

I search all around me, looking for something that I can use to protect us, just until Axel gets here. But, I see nothing. Nothing that is sharp enough to draw blood.

"Don't move!" The biggest one of them all shouts.

I glare, as they grab us by the upper arm, pulling us in the living room. I huff, as the one that grabbed me, throws me onto the couch. Karen, being thrown down beside me, just as hard, just as fast.

I didn't fucken have a knife near me to grab. There was nothing that I could have used, unless these guys were afraid of a pillow being thrown at them. Then, we would be set for a good get away.

"Where is he?" He asked.

He stands before us, one on either side on the couch, and two behind us. The rest search the house.

For what? That I don't know.

"Who?" I question.

"Axel, bitch! Where is he?"

"We don't know. You're the stalkers, you tell me."

"If you don't shut your mouth right now, I'll make you," the one that threw me tries to stand tall, and threatening.

"How original. I was just answering your question, jack ass."

I hate how people ask questions and try act all mad when they get an answer. Like, are they so dumb that they forgot they asked a question?

I'm mad as hell. I'm not just going to let it slide, how they break in here, demanding answers.

Hell, I would like to know where Axel is to. Maybe we can go out looking for him together.

"I don't like you," his voice comes out low, as he sits on the coffee table before us.

"Is that supposed to hurt my feelings? I don't give a fuck. I don't like you, breaking in here, like you-"

I don't get a chance to finish my sentence, because he swings his gun hand at my face.

I hear Karen scream, worried, she starts asking me if I'm okay.

I don't answer.

I can taste my blood off of my lower lip.

I turn my head back to look towards him.

He backs away. Allowing another to take his place on the coffee table.

By now, he has taken his mask off.

I gasp, at who it is.

The same dirty blonde hair, same tall build, same smirk that's placed on his strawberry lips. But, it's his eyes, his eyes look different. They're not the same sky blue, their more like an ocean now. Dark, deep, and full of mysteries.

"Lucea," my voice comes out timid, barely audible.

"Hey Sawyer. Where's lover boy?" He smirks at my state of shock.

He's so much different now. Not just his eyes, but his voice and attitude.

I remember him to be so kind, his voice so smooth.

He never did look at me with such hatred before. It's weird, seeing him like this. This isn't the Lucea that I used to know.

The Lucea that I once knew, never would have done this. The Lucea I knew loved the race track, a lot more than guns. Lucea used to always say, "the pen is more mightier than the sword". Those words be practically lived by, he was charming then. But, now it seems he's more manipulative than charming.

This Lucea is a monster. I can just tell by the look in his eyes.

"I - I don't know . . . Lucea, why are you doing this?"

He laughs. He actually laughs. It isn't like one of his warm, contagious laughs that I used to hear, this one is dry and loud.

"You must be pretty fucken stupid if you haven't figured it out yet, Sawyer."

"What are you talking about?" I knit my eyebrows.

"I loved you, Sawyer."

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