22. Misses You

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So, this is Axel's brother. 

Today, has been very eventful, I can't wait for it all to be over. First, Lucea comes barging in, two, I get slapped, more than once, then I finally get to do something related to my old live, I come so close to having sex with Axel, but his brother that I haven't met yet interrupts us. 

And all I can do is awkwardly stand here, watching as Axel gets recanted with his younger brother.

"Gabe, this is Sawyer. Sawyer, my little brother, Gabe," Axel pulls me from my thoughts.

I smile, not wanting to come across as bitchy, he will learn that later on in his visit.

He has dark brown curls, green eyes-that he shares with his mom-, and high cheek bones. He's tall, about 5'8", with muscles that are no where near as big as his brother's, but noticeable.

"So, you're the one that has my brother wiped," Gabriel smiles evilly.

"I guess, you can say that yeah," I chuckle.

Does he not know, that our parents are the real reason behind this all? Does he even talk to his family, while he's away?

"Wiped?" Axel laughs. "You're the one wiped. Mom tells me, you got a girlfriend. Little Alesha?"

I smile, at how the two tease each other.

Watching them, makes me realize how much I miss my brother. We used to make fun of each other all the time. Sometimes it lead to us having little arguments, while ended when we would ask if they were hungry. 

We took care of each other, whether we were angry with each other or not. We were all we had. Dad was always working, while mom was busy with her own thing. They weren't always around, until Thomas left, that's when I actually started seeing them around the house on a daily basis.

Thinking about my parents, reminds that I saw my dad, come in with Axel and Alexzander.

My eyes widen with realization, just before I run down the stairs.

I hear Axel call after me, but I ignore him, wanting to see my dad.

I reach the bottom of the stairs, looking around, listen, trying to see if I can hear his voice somewhere in the house. I hear his laugh, coming from the kitchen. 

I march into the kitchen, my eyes landing on him, as he casually drinks coffee with Alexzander.

"About time," he rolls his eyes, when he sees me, walking towards him.

I smile, missing the sound of his deep voice.

His arms rap around my shoulders, as mine find his waist. My head, rests on his chest, due to him being a lot taller than me. His head on top of mine, his hand rubbing my back.

I missed this.

After my dad started coming home, more often, we got pretty close. I was always closer to him, than my mom.

"Sawy-oh. Never mind then."

I ignore Axel, as he walks into the room with Gabriel as his tail.

I pull away, a small smile on my face.

"I missed you."

"I know, I missed you too."

I take a seat beside him, wanting to know everything about back home.

Axel starts another pot of coffee, taking the seat beside me. We all sit at the island. Dad, me, Axel, and Alexzander across dad, Gabriel beside him.

"So, I'm guessing because of that, we'll have to postpone the wedding," dad says pointing at my now bruised face.

"It's okay. We still have a lot of stuff to go over," I shrug. "Which sucks, though, is that I will have to wait even longer to go back out on missions."

"Or, you could always not go back out," Axel smiles innocently.

"Blaa," I mock his smile.

"Well, aren't we just the best match makers, Alex."

I then stop making faces at Axel, and send dad my face with my tongue sticking out.

"What is that?" Dad looks at my tongue with his eyebrows furrowed.

"What?!" I hold a hand to my face.

"Is that . . . Axel's mouth attracted to that?" Dad teases.

I gasp, slapping his upper arms as he, along with everyone else laughs.

"It's not funny," I state, trying not to laugh myself.

This is want I missed most about my dad. Whenever, he noticed that I was in a bad mood, he would lighten my mood. I could be so angry, not wanting to talk at all, to laughing or doing something I enjoyed.

I was always daddy's girl, still am at times. I just wish that I could see my family more times that I do now. 

But, I'm fine. It's good that I'm on my own now, not to attached to them, not relying on them for everything. 

They're were there for me, whenever I needed them. It's good that I'm learning to be independent, they weren't going to be here all the time. I couldn't go through life, holding their hands. They were bound to leave me eventually.

At least this way, when they do go, it wouldn't be as hard on me, as it would be if I continued to see them daily.

"So, how's everyone back home?"

I can see Axel glare, at how I called it home.

I was told this place was only temporary, so what's his problem with me calling it home?

After all, home with where mom is. 

My mom has done a lot for me, because of her, I'm alive. 

When mom found out that she was pregnant, her and dad weren't in the best place. Thomas was getting in trouble at preschool, he was also misbehaving at home, and they fought about a lot of little things. So, I wouldn't blame them, if they wanted to abort me, but she didn't. Mom could never even think of the word, in her words, she wasn't willing to kill something so innocent.

"They're good. Mom misses you. Weston does too, he wouldn't admit it though," dad smiles.

"The big idiot, misses me calling him a big idiot," I evilly smile.

I hate to admit it, but I miss him too.

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