13. Maid of Honor

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After the weird phone call with Lucea, our food had finally come.

Thankfully, because of our foods arrival, no one questioned me about who I was talking about.

I don't want Karen to know. Then she would tell Axel, and it isn't important enough to tell him about.

I don't want him thinking that I would just up and leave him for Lucea. Or always be looking over his shoulder when we aren't by each other's side. I want him to trust me, and Lucea could jeopardize that.

After we ate, we went to the shoe store.

I may hate dress shopping, but I love shoes. What girl doesn't? I got to sit down, other than having to shove my arms and legs into a slim, tight dress.

I must have tried on six different types of shoes before we had made our decision.

Now, it's time to try come cake. I have been looking forward to this all day. Here, I don't have to dress up, or walk around seeing if my feet hurt. Here I got to just sit on my ass and eat some cake.

I'd say that's a good way to end the day.

The guy that owns the bakery had set out vanilla cake with lemon and orange zest icing, dark chocolate with mint and white chocolate icing, and pecan with a butter cream icing. These were only three of ten possible cake combinations.

"Mhmm, Sawyer you have to try this vanilla cake," Vanessa moaned.

From the looks of it, Karen was about to say something, before I bet her to the punch.

"I'm good. Axel said whatever I do, don't get vanilla. He thinks it to plain, and I happen to agree with him on that."

Karen tries to hide her smile, by stuffing cake into her mouth, but I can clearly see that it's still there.

Her and mom act as if we belong together, that we weren't threatened with the gang leadership job being stripped from us.

I know, that they do want grandchildren, but that won't be happening for a long while. I hope they get over the idea, because I will have a kid when I'm like 30. No where near now.


I can't decide. They're all just so good.

They girls and moms all have casted their votes, but it's at a tie. I have narrowed it down to dark chocolate and French vanilla-yes, together- or pecans.

We have tried all of the cake they had prepared.

I sign, doing something I didn't want to do. I pick up my phone, and call Axel. After about three rings, he finally answers.


"Hey. I need your help."

I can hear shuffling on his end. Probably sitting up in bed.

If so, then he is lucky to just do nothing.

I wish I can just lie in bed, while Axel does this all. Today has been very tiring, and that's coming from me.

Geez, by the time I get back on the job, I would have gained ten pounds. I haven't really hit the gym in a while, maybe tomorrow I can ask Axel to take me to one.

"With what?" His voice comes out nervous. "What's wrong?"

"No. Nothings wrong. It's just that we can't decide on a cake."

He doesn't say anything. Not at first. But, when he finally does make a noise, he laughs.

"You called about cake? Damn, Sawyer. You had me worried for a second there," I can hear the smile in his voice.

"Yeah, it's either chocolate and vanilla mixed together, so that way it's not so plain. Or it's pecans."


I stand, walking away from the girls.

"You said don't get vanilla. Well, it's not just vanilla. It's French vanilla AND chocolate. Or pecan cake with butter cream, which I'm told would have to stay cool, but it's still good non the less."

"Whatever you wan-"

"That's the thing, Axel. We don't know which one to pick. So, you will be the tie breaker."

"I haven't even tried them," he sighs.

"Then come. Come try them. We're at Tim's Bakery."

"Very original shop name."

"I know, right," I snort, smiling.

"Okay, I'll be there in ten."

Feeling satisfied with his response, I hang up the phone.

"Did he decide?" Karen asks.

"No," I take a seat beside mom and Carman. "But, he agreed to come and try them both."

I cringe, as I hear a high pitched squeal coming from beside me.

I forgot that Carman does that when she's excited about something. Thankfully, she only does that if she's excited about something to gossip about later on.

"Finally! I will meet my best friends hubby - to - be."

I laugh as Vanessa's jaw drops.

Vanessa and Carman have always been closer to each other than to me. I didn't really care, considering how I was always working or with my guy friends. After I started actually going on missions the two got pretty close during my absence.

In exactly ten minutes, Axel came walking through the door of Tim's bakery.

His dark brown hair was messy. He wore dark jeans, a white v-neck, and white shoes. His shirt was thin, causing his abs being shown. I wasn't complaining, he looked good.

And apparently, I wasn't the only one who thought this.

Vanessa, being that shy one, tried not to stare, staring down at her shoes. Her face, coming to a bright red.

Carman, on the other hand, was full on staring. Her eyes wide, and her jaw dropped.

I couldn't help, but to laugh at how different these two are.

"Hey, babe. If you got fat here, I'm suing," Axel smirks.

I gasp, slapping his chest.

Asshole just had to be half a foot taller than me. Asshole called me fat!

Everyone knows to never call a girl fat.

"Just for that your balls will continue to be blue," I laugh.

Yes, nice come back, Blake. You are a genius.

"Doesn't have to be. Damn, girl. This your man?" Carman stands, walking closer to us.

Axel looks at her weird, as she walks slowly around him, eyeing him up and down. She couldn't make a full circle around, because he's leaning on his hand that rests at the back of my chair.

"I'm Carman, maid of honor."


"It's for the best, Sawyer," she send me a pointed look.

I actually wanted Vanessa to be my maid of honor. We have known each other longer, and I know she will help me, and do things my way. If I gave this job to Carman, she would make this all her wedding, and that's not what I want.

Carman and I have two completely different opinions. She's more . . . more. I, however, want something classy and simple.

"No. Vanessa, I was hoping you would be my maid of honor."

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