1. Coming to Dinner

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I live a normal life. As normal as being in a gang at the age of seventeen can get. I go to school, hang with friends, and go to work. That's my normal.

But everyday at work is different. The thing that each day has in common, the possibility of being killed. The possibility of never hearing my mother yelling at me to not be late again, the possibility of never seeing my father shout at one of his men again, and the possibility of never secretly speaking with my older brother again.

Going to work everyday has it's risks, but that's what drives me to try harder at killing, at stealing, and at selling.

Despite the risk of dying, I wouldn't trade my life for anything. I love the rush of it all. The adrenaline I feel when running from the cops, from gunning down a rival gang, and my fist colliding with a victims face.

I probably sound crazy loving the things that would put me behind bars, but it's what I saw growing up. I was taught to do these things instead of worrying about an upcoming test or if my crush found out I liked him or what I should wear to a school dance.

However, despite the fact I enjoy the things I do, it's still gives me nightmares. About how I would feel if people were doing these things to my family. I know they could handle it well, but that doesn't stop me from worrying if they were over powered.


I don't respond, I just continue watching the news about how our rival gang had killed a dozen undercover cops.


"What?!" I glare up at Weston.

Weston is a tall and muscular idiot. He thinks that because he is taller and a few months older than me that he can get me to do as he says.

Me being me, of course, tells him to shove it before giving him an order.

I know my place in this gang; I am the boss's daughter, next in line for the throne. He doesn't, he is a no body. He is to cocky to understand that he can easily be replaced.

I wish I could show him where he stands in this dynasty, but I know my dad would be upset with me. Yes, West is an idiot, but he is strong. There's no question at how strong and fast West really is, I once saw him run up beside a car before running into the car, killing it's driver. I hate to admit it, but even I was impressed at that point.

"Your father wishes to speak with you."

I sigh, jumping up from my place on the couch.

I slowly start making my up the two flights of stairs, not wanting to wait for the elevator.

I then, march down the hallway, turning at the first door on the right.

I knock, knowing my dad would calling me out on not doing so.

After hearing his deep voice stating for me to "come in", I wordlessly sat in one of the two chairs before his large desk.

I have always felt uncomfortable in here. I think it has something to do with the fact that the only time I was called in here was if I was in trouble or if something serious when down. The question is, which one is it?

"Sawyer, I've called you in here because I have something to tell you."

His dark brown eyes stare into my own. I can tell that he is a little nervous, due to the fact that he stalling. Usually he aways goes straight to the point. This time it's different, when he stalls it's for my benefit of him, calming himself so I don't get a bullet to chest, but it feels like he's doing this to see my reaction.

"Okay . . . what is it?"

"Alexzander Knight is coming for dinner. With his family."





Don't we hate Alexzander Knight?!

Alexzander Knight is the most feared gang in all of North America. Next in line is us, so you would think that we are rivals, and you would be right, we are. Which makes me so confused as to why they would be coming to dinner.

Alexzander Knight and my dad were always butting heads. They went to the same high school, so even then they were at each other's throats. Always competing in sports, in who got the most ladies, and who got into the most trouble at school.

In high school, Alexzander met his wife, Karen. Around the sometime my dad met my mom.

But, my dad won when it came to having a kid first. But since what my brother had done, they don't count him. So, Alexzander and Karen won, having a son just four months before I was born. They didn't just stop there, they had another son. He must be about 16 by now. Their main source of income is their strip clubs and selling illegal guns.

"Why?" I stare at him, wanting answers.

"We are going to make a deal."

We are going to make a deal? Is that all he has to say? That all I get? I'm supposed to be next in line to run this gang, and he doesn't even want to tell what his life changing deal is.

I clench and unclench my fists. I don't want to say anything, it might just make him mad, causing him to not tell me any time soon.

"Fine. I'll be back by then," I state walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" He asked standing, glaring at me.

"Out," I roll my eyes.

"You better not be going to him!"

I hear him shout as I walk away from his office.

I know that I said I didn't want to make him mad, but I couldn't help myself. He just makes me so mad sometimes.

It's not like I enjoy making him upset, it's just my way of letting off some steam. I know that dad doesn't like him, but I do. It's not like we're getting married, we're just hooking up. No big deal.

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