20. Don't Tell

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"What is he talking about, Axel? Are you fucking cheating on my daughter?" Killian barks, once we're out of the room we're holding Lucea in.

How does the little fucker know about Carter? 

I haven't even told her, about Sawyer. I've been avoiding her, so I wouldn't have to see the look of sadness on her face. I know that she will find out eventually, just not from me. I'm to much of a coward to tell her. She's had her heart broken before, and that was not pretty. I just hope she doesn't take all this as hard as she did last time.

"No! No, Killian. I'm not seeing Carter. I made a promise to marry your daughter and I intend to keep that promise."

I've told this to my father, once before, then I was lying. I wanted nothing to do with her, I was playing nice, but, now that I've gotten to know her a bit, I intend to keep that promise. To be the man, that Sawyer deservers. I know that she doesn't really want this, so I'm going to try to make her life here a bit more enjoyable around here.

I'm going to tell her, that she can go on missions. Missions that are run by me, and if I decide that it's not that dangerous, she can go. It would give her something to do, other than straight wedding stuff, which I know she often finds that boring and stressful.

After seeing he today, I think she's deserved that much.

"You better," Killian glares, before walking away, knocking my shoulder as he passes by.

"Kilian," I call, turning to face him.

He doesn't turn around. He just stops walking, enough for him to focus on what I'm about to say.

"Can you not tell Sawyer?-"

He spins, quickly facing me. His brown eyes shooting daggers at me. His posture rigid, and his fists clenched.

"You want me not to tell my daughter, that her husband-to-be is cheating on her?" He spats.

"I'm not cheating on her! I want to be the one to tell her. But, at my own time, and my way. While, you act as if you don't know anything about this."

He doesn't respond. He just continues to glare at me.

I know that what I'm asking is difficult, especially considering that she's his only daughter, but it's best that she hears this from me, and the whole story.

"Alright, but if you don't tell her by the wedding, I will," he states before walking away. Up the stairs and out the hallway.

I hope, that when I do tell Sawyer about this all, that she would listen to me and to understand that this was all before I met her. 

But, I can't tell her now, not when her dad is here.

I don't want to ruin any happy mood she's in, and I know that she missed him.

She should at least get the chance to spend come time with him, before he leaves.

When the time is right, I'll tell her. 

For now, I have to find out, how Lucea found out about Carter, and about the deal that my dad made with Killian. 

Who could have known this much information on us? 

The only people that really knew about this is a few of our gang members, but they are the most trusted we have. Maybe, there's people that Killian told in his gang . . . But, he would never do that. Apart from his family and close friends, he's pretty tight lipped.

Hell, he can be all chatty Cathy, until I enter the room. Someone that he doesn't know on a personal level, so he stays quiet, putting up that wall of what his true emotions are.

Anyway, I should probably get back to questioning Lucea. But, I can't go back in there. Not now.

Not when he knows, that he has something on me, that he could tell Sawyer, before I even get the chance to.

I'll come back tomorrow, and ask him about it then.

By then, I hope his ego has flatlined, and would be easier to get something out of him.

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