8. Targets

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After his smile, I couldn't stop questioning myself. I was so confused.

Maybe it was just because of how tired I was . . .

Maybe it was just because I lost a little bit of my sanity over the past few days . . .

Maybe it way because he is the more beautiful man I have ever seen . . .

I've done it. I've officially lost my mind. I thought it would take years for this to happen, but it only took days after meeting Axel.

It only took hours to completely forget about Lucea. To forget about all the trouble I got into just for spending an hour with him. To forget about how his lips would feel against mine.

I liked Lucea, or at least I thought I did. I must not have if it only took about a full day to forget what we had.

Or it could still be the stress. I am put under a lot of pressure, to better my gang. To make my family proud, and to find out if this is all worth it in the end.

"We're here," Axel smiled.

I blink a few times for my eyes to adjust to the sight before my eyes.

Just a few feet away stands a wide barn. It isn't the usual red barn you see for animals, it's a barn that doesn't have paint on it, it's just a wooden barn. There are small white windows on the sides, from what I can see. It's also surrounded by trees. Tall, thick trees, that if I weren't this close, it would be difficult to see it. It blends right in, almost camouflages.

"What is this place?"

"Some supplies. Come on, let's go find something to shoot with."

I watch as Axel basically ran towards the barn with glee.

I've never seen anyone that happy to look at a few guns.

But, when I walked into the barns, I was not met with a few guns. I was met with a lot of guns. Some big, some small, some needing to hands to fire it, some needing only one. Not just guns, but also grenades, rocket launchers, and knives of many different sizes. Towards the back of the barn were targets, some posters that are full of people, some just round targets, and some of targets that are in shape of a human body.

"This is amazing," I stare at everything in awe.

"Yeah, I came here when I need to let off some steam or if I'm just bored with nothing to do."

I look around, looking through each create.

There is just so many things, how will I ever choose?

I close my eyes, grabbing any random hand gun.

"Ready?" Axel asked, gleefully excited.

"Where too now?"

He doesn't reply, he just turns around, walking out the side door.

About fifteen feet away from the door, stands ten pop cans. Each can sitting on a wooden stand, that looks homemade.

"You'll have the five to the right, and I'll have the five to the left."

I smile, wanting to see the cans either drop like flies, or fly like birds.

I haven't shot anything in two days, it's time to show Axel just how will of a leader I will be.

I can't wait to see the look on his face, when all five have bullet holes in them.

I load my hand gun, taking my stance. I aim, breathing slowly. I hold my breath, as four cans drops, and one flies a foot away from the stand it was once on.

I smile, feeling satisfied with a least getting in a few shots.

I missed the sound of the bullet leaving the barrel. Or the sound the bullet makes finding it's target.

I feel that sense of pride in myself, at the can on the ground. Rolling down a little hill.

"Can we do this again?" I send Axel a wide grin.

I meet his shock filled eyes, as he stares down at me.

There's the look I've been waiting for.

I love that look of stupidity as they try to decipher what had just happened.

It amazes me, how men have little faith in a woman to do anything that require physical movement. How surprised they are to see that a woman can do something they thought only they can do.

At times, I find pride in this look that Axel is giving me, that I shot down their towering ego, but there are times when I want to ring their neck, to think that woman are only useful in the kitchen and for child baring.

So, to see men on their knees begging me to stop the abuse that my fists are sending them is empowering.

That men think they are so strong, so cunning to be disarmed by a petite young lady is satisfying. That, that looks drives me to do better. To destroy the thought of women not being just as strong, or smart, or independent as men.

"I'll go put up more targets," Axel smiles.

I watch, as he marches into the barn to retrieve a number of targets.

I forgot how much fun just shooting at targets were. I didn't really have time to do this back home. I was always out, in the field.

I do have to admit though, I do miss doing all the dirty work.

Here, my father told me that I was supposed to focus on my relationship with Axel, and the wedding details before I can get in on another mission.

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