21. Routine

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Like I said, Axel came into our room, just twenty minutes after I sat down. 

I never left my spot, I waited for him to come in. I want to tell him everything, I just hope that he wouldn't be upset with the fact, I didn't have any intension to tell him before Lucea came.

He came in, not leaving the area near the door. He hasn't said anything, he just stands there. Waiting for me to begin the conversation. But, I can't. I don't know how to tell him.

"Well?" Axel finally speaks.

"I'm sorry, that I haven't told you. I just hope that you're not upset with me," I look down at my hands, sheepishly.

"Damn, right, I'm upset, Sawyer. You didn't tell me, that your ex was crazy-"

"He's not my anything! We weren't even dating. We were just Fuck-buddies. That's all we were, Axel, I promise," I stand, walking towards him.

I've grown to like Axel. In the short period of time we've been together, I've learned just how good of a man, Axel really is. Not once has he hit me, or use for just a piece of meat. He knows how to treat a woman, how to be a gentlemen. Trust me, there's not a lot of men in this world or the next that can do that. 

"Okay, so tell me. Why?" He walks by me, taking a seat on the bed.

"Why what?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't tell you because it wasn't important. That was in the past, back home-"

"This is your home now, Sawyer. When will you see that? There's no way out of this."

"I know, Axel. It's just, it's different here. I feel like I can be myself around you all, back there, I felt like I was keeping a piece of me back. That I couldn't be myself, because I would disappoint my parents, just like Thomas did. But, no matter how I felt, that will always be home, with my parents."

"Okay, when this Lucea shit is done, then we can move onto Thomas."

I nod, understanding that all of this information can be a bit over whelming.

"Where was I? Oh, right, I wanted to start fresh here. I wanted all the drama to stay there, I didn't want it following me like my own personal rain cloud. That Lucea would be three hours away, so there was no point in saying anything."

He doesn't say anything. He stares at me with such intensity, that I begin to feel uncomfortable.

"I want to know these things, Sawyer. I want to get to know you. I don't want our kids to have to grow up in a loveless house."

What he says causes my heart to race, and my palms to sweat.

I can't believe he just said that to me. I know that we will have the rest of our lives together, but I didn't want to start thinking of kids now. I still want to do some missions, while I can, if he would let me that is.

 I want to go places that I've never been to. And I couldn't do that with kids always being around, having to take care of them, because they can't take care of themselves. I want the freedom, without worrying about my kids, or who I left them with.

"I didn't know you thought about stuff like that?" I sit beside him, on the bed.

"I think about a lot of stuff. I mean, sure, we're in a gang, but I still want somethings of a normal life."

"Something I learned is that there is no such thing is normal. I don't call it normal, to me it's just a routine of events that happen everyday," I stare into his silver grey eyes.

"Well, we should make this a routine," he states, his voice soft, as he leans in.

His soft, warm lips find mine. Pulling me closer, as I return the kiss.

We don't pull away, not yet. 

Axel bites my lower lip, wanting access that I tease, not giving it to him. His hand travels to my ass, gripping it. I gasp; he takes this as permission to slide his tongue into my mouth. I laugh into the kiss, slapping his upper arm.

I pull away, sadly, having to breathe. 

He stands, his eyes never leaving my own. He grabs me, lifts me up and throws me, lying onto the bed. I laugh, smiling at how confident he's being. He smiles back, biting his lip, as he pulls off his shirt.

Oh, gosh.

With those abs, and him biting his lip, he can make any girl go weak at the knees. Thankfully, because of him, I'm lying down, or else I would have fallen at his feet.

I watch as he crawls onto the bed, making his way towards me.

Once, he hovers over me, I pull him down, wanting to feel his lips on mine.

I roll us, wanting control. He smirks, at how bad I want to hurry this along. 

I haven't had sex in a week, and when I did it was with Lucea, which wasn't all that great. And based on how better looking Axel is, I'm sure this would be mind blowing.

I saddle him, attacking his neck. My hands running through his hair, pulling at his long locks. His hands, rest on my ass, gripping tightly when I find his sweet spot.

"Sawyer," he says softly. "Sawyer."

"What," I stop, looking into his eyes.

"If we don't stop now, I won't hesitate to take you, right here and now."

"Who says that I don't want you too?"

He doesn't get the chance to reply, as there's a knock at the door.

I growl, getting up, off of him.

He pulls on his shirt, telling whoever it is to come in.

I furrow my eyebrows at who stands at threshold.

"Gabe," Axel smiles, pulling him into a bro-hug.

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