3. You're Getting Married

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He has dark brown hair, silver-not grey, silver-colored eyes, and a strong, sharp jawline.

There is no question here, that he gets a lot of ladies. That is probably the most I have heard of him. I have heard of his work, but the number of ladies he gets is more heard of. Now, I can understand why there are so many.

Axel is said to be handsome, check. He is said to be strong, from the looks of it, check. He is also said to be emotionless, that is questionable.

"Nice to meet you all," I sent them a tight lipped smile.

To be honest, I don't want to be here. I rather be out, kicking someones ass. It would be a lot less awkward, than having dinner with the Knights.

"So, Sawyer, I hear you are to be the next leader. You scared about that?"

I turn my gaze from Alexzander, to my dad, before answering.

He just stares right back at me, waiting for what I'm about to say.

"No. I have been training for this since I was six years old. I'm ready. I will do anything for my family, my entire family."

"That's great," Alexzander beams. "Because your family is about to grow."

I furrow my eyebrows, not knowing where he is going with this.

I look around the table. Mom and dad told a worried look, while Karen and Alexzander smile. Axel, however, is just as confused as I am. He looks at his father, trying to figure out what he means by that.

My face drops. I think I know what they mean by this.

I look over at my mother, looking for any sign that what I am thinking is true.

"You're not pregnant, are you?"

Mom is what? 40? Around there. She already has two-will one, but that doesn't mean she should have anymore. We are working all the time, she can't have a baby. How is she going to work with another one on the way?

My moms face doesn't change. She isn't smiling, she just continues to stare at me, with . . . pity?

Beside me, Alexzander chuckles at me lack of knowledge.

I hate being left in the dark. It makes me feel so small and helpless.

"Would someone tell me, what the fuck is going on? I swear, I will punch someone if I continue to be put in the dark," I glare.

"Your mother's not pregnant. You're getting married," Alexander smiles.

"I like her," he states to my dad. "She will do just fine with us."

I'm what?! With us?! Who's us?!

The hell, I'm not getting married. I don't have a boyfriend, let alone a fiancée.

Isn't getting married my choice? Don't you have to be at least 18 to marry someone?

I'm 17!

"What?" I stare at Alexzander; knowing well, that my parents wouldn't tell me a damn thing.

"You're getting married. To my son."

"WHAT?!" Axel finally speaks, or should I say shouts.

I just met the dude. Sure, he's hot, like really hot, but I don't know anything about him.

"I'm not-"

"You will marry Sawyer! You will do it for the good of our gang!" Alexzander yells.

I know that he is a gang leader, but that was my first time hearing him yell. It is kind of odd, considering he was just laughing around not even five minutes ago.

Axel glares at his father, knowing he has no say in the matter.

"Think of it this way," Alexzander's eyes flicker between Axel and me. "We will be even stronger, bigger, and richer this way. You will get what you want. And more."

I have to admit, that is smart. But, it's our lives, shouldn't we get a get in who we marry? Marriage is two people whom love each other, two people becoming one. I don't know this man, and he doesn't know me.

"You have a point, but you will not sell me off. I rather be just like Thomas, than to be bought and sold," my voice comes out angry and disgusted.

"You will not mention his name in my house!" Dad slams his fist against the table.

I flinch, knowing that I'm hitting a nerve. But, I will not back down. I will stand my ground.

"This was his house, just as much as it is your's-"


Mom sends me a warning look.

She knows what will happen if I don't stop now. I have brought Thomas up before, and it didn't end will. This time, however, I will say my peace. I will tell them I've been talking to him. I know even mom will be upset, but he's my brother, I refuse to just forget he ever existed.

He never turned his back on me, I will do the same to him. I will stand my ground, not only for me, but for him as well.

Thomas has always said he wished to say something long ago when he had the chance, but he never did. I will learn from his mistakes. I will not be marrying anyone, any time soon.

"I will stand my ground, something Thomas wished he did before you sent him away-"

"He ran on his own! He left us! Left you! Open your eyes, Abby."

I feel a heavy weight being pressed on top of my chest, as dad calls me that.

There was only one person that called me that. Only one person, I allowed to address me as that.

"Don't call me that," I state through gritted teeth.

"You will marry Axel. Whether you want to or not."

Marrying The Gang LeaderWhere stories live. Discover now