Chapter Fifty-One: The Tournament Grounds

Start from the beginning

"You bastard!" Roared Shen Fei. It would seem that the last word he heard was massage; Nie Tai guessed that Xiao Ning'er had not let Shen Fei touch her. Shen Fei's pride controlled his mind as he launched a punch towards Nie Li. Nie Tai noticed that Yang Xin was about to move, but the younger girl was faster. She stood slightly in front of her brother with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

Snapping, Shen Ming quickly grabbed Shen Fei's arm to prevent the irate teen from striking Yang Xin's favored and said, "Young Master! Please, don't be rash; the tournament will begin soon. As the Heavenly Marks Family is participating, perhaps Nie Li will be interested in a showdown with you."

Tearing his arm from Shen Ming's grasp, Shen Fei pushed his anger down as he glowered at the twins with pure hatred in his arrogant eyes. Repressing a smirk, Nie Li calmly said, "I'm not interested in fighting unless there's a bet."

"Is that so?" Asked Shen Ming with a patronizing glance.

"Of course, we'll be the bankers for this round. No matter how much the Sacred Family will bet, we'll match it. Be warned," Nie Tai paused after gaining Shen Ming's attention, "Don't make the bet too low. If it's low, we are not interested."

"Do you really have money to be the banker? I don't believe that the Heavenly Marks Family has enough," replied Shen Ming, frowning.

"Big Sister," sounded Nie Tai gaining the older woman's attention, "Do you think that we are unable to pay?"

Smirking, Yang Xin enjoyed Shen Ming's annoyed expression as she said, "If the twins cannot afford to play, I will naturally cover for them."

"Well, if Director Yang agrees, then I suppose we can have a couple games. The first will be between Young Masters Shen Fei and Nie Li; the bet will be twenty-five million," dared Shen Ming, meeting Nie Li's gaze.

"Twenty-five million?" Asked Nie Li, with a grin stretching over his face. Shen Fei's stomach dropped to his feet as Nie Li exuded an arrogance that only money could buy, "You really want to bet so little? Big Sister Yang Xin, is the Sacred Family poor?"

Dumbfounded, the Main Affairs Elder watched with growing apprehension as Yang Xin seriously informed, "Little Brother, that is considered to be quite the sum for this type of family."

"This type!" Thought Shen Ming and Shen Fei, "Since when was a Major Family that type?!"

Sighing, Nie Tai frowned, "If you guys really are that poor, I suppose we can play with you. When we win, we'll split the winnings with the audience."

"We?" Asked Shen Ming.

"Of course, surely you will organize a fight for me as well? Why else would I come to a martial arts tournament? Plus, I don't want a lesser bet than my brother. You can manage to bet twenty-five million for my match as well, right?" Replied Nie Tai frankly.

Slightly taken back by her words, Shen Ming said, "Yes! We will play for fifty million total the first round. If you two are still willing to continue afterwards, then we will discuss it further."

"That's no issue. As long as you are willing, we will play. No matter what the bet is, my sister and I will be the bankers!" Assured Nie Li. His confidence was beginning to annoy Shen Ming.

With faux politeness, Shen Ming said, "Thank goodness that you two are really straightforward. Who will be the witness for this? That is, other than Director Yang?"

"I volunteer," interrupted a familiar voice. Nie Tai's grin widened as Chen Linjian approached. Shen Ming's smile fell slightly as he took in the One-Star Gold-Rank aura that he slightly gave off.

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