Chapter Forty-Nine: The Second Demon-Spirit

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The Portent Pearled Peahen was only of Bronze-Rank and exhibited this level of power! Nie Tai eagerly fed the demon-spirit soul force and studied how the creature hungrily absorbed it. Taking elixirs periodically, Nie Tai ensured that she had enough soul force as the creature gradually absorbed more as its power level rose. Cutting it off at Silver-Rank, Nie Tai stood and stretched. While God growth-rates could potentially grow to a higher level than their spiritist, it was dangerous to do so this early. Not only that, but the demon-beast's strength had to increase unhurriedly to ensure that it remained stable, much like when cultivating.

Nie Tai merged with the Portent Pearled Peahen again to test its abilities. It was much stronger and Nie Tai estimated that some Gold-Rank demon-spiritists wouldn't be her match. Laughing arrogantly, Nie Li said, "This is the power of a God growth-rate!"

Nie Tai cut him off from his laughter with a spike slicing through a rock slightly to his left. When he turned to face her, she said, "Don't let this go to your head. Let's get some combat practice in before celebrating too much."

Nodding to show that he agreed, Nie Li readied a Thunder Strike and Nie Tai summoned spikes that floated around her menacingly. She launched two and stayed just outside of Gravity Field's range. Activating Gravity Field, Nie Li dodged one spike and knocked the other to the side with Thunder Strike, causing it to miss.

"Who goes there? This is the territory of the Heavenly Marks Family! Leave at once!" Ordered a male voice. The twins looked to find Nie Xiaofeng and Nie Xiaori running into the destroyed clearing. It was obvious that they did not recognize the twins, how could they?

Returning to her human form, Nie Tai calmly asked, "It is us. Is there any problem?"

"N-Nie Li, Nie Tai?" Stuttered Nie Xiaori, not believing his eyes.

"You two are of Silver-Rank?" Asked Nie Xiaofeng while taking in the damaged clearing: fallen trees, large craters, broken rocks, deep holes in the ground. He looked at the twins and asked in a serious tone, "Are you truly capable of this?"

Seeing Nie Tai nod, the brothers' gazes were filled with awe and fear. In the past, the brothers had bullied the twins; now that their grandfather was forcefully removed from his position of Grand Elder, they feared and respected the twins' power. This was especially true because the brothers learned of the many elixirs donated to the family by them.

Nie Li wrapped an arm around Nie Tai's shoulders and started to walk away. Nie Tai shrugged and let him do as he pleased, for she was no longer in the mood to train either.

"Wait, please!" Shouted Nie Xiaofeng. The twins paused and Nie Tai glared at him, waiting for him to speak. Flushing with embarrassment, he softly stated, "We apologize for all that we have done against you."

After receiving an elbow in the side, Nie Xiaori agreed and mumbled, "Whatever retribution you seek, we will not fight against it."

In the past, even though they were bullies, they still fought to the death to protect the Family. They sacrificed everything for the Family. Smiling, the twins said in unison, "I forgive you."

Waving her hand, Nie Tai summoned some elixirs and tossed them to Nie Xiaofeng, "I heard that, because of the incident, that the Patriarch did not share any with you. This is your portion. Use it wisely."

Nie Li pulled Nie Tai away as the brothers feverishly thanked her. Nie Li removed his arm from Nie Tai and quickly dashed forward, leaving Nie Tai to sprint to catch up. She followed Nie Li as he ran back to the house. When arriving, Nie Tai entered a small, secluded yard and summoned the Nightmare Demon Pot from her interspatial ring.

Sitting down, she crossed her legs and silently began to cultivate. The mysterious item constantly exuded a rich aura of soul force that Nie Tai could absorb! Excited by how cultivation speed increased, Nie Tai sank into her dantian and blocked out all disturbances. She didn't notice when Nie Li joined her nor when a series of knocking sounded on the yard's door. Sighing, Nie Li withdrew the Nightmare Demon Pot into an interspatial ring.

"Come in!" Said Nie Li loudly, shocking Nie Tai into alertness. With an annoyed frown, she hesitantly turned to see Nie Hai, Nie En, her father, Nie Kai, and several other elders. Barely withholding a sigh, she stood to greet them; she nudged Nie Li with her foot until he made his way to his feet.

Meeting Nie Hai's gaze, Nie Tai said, "It is surprising to see you all gathered so late. Has something happened?"

Nie Ming stared at his children in surprise for they were paying the absolute bare minimum of respect to the Patriarch! This was the man who led their family with wisdom and fairness, surely they could show a bit of admiration. Glancing worriedly at the Patriarch, Nie Ming let out a relieved breath when the man did not seemed to be bothered by the twins' actions.

Nie Hai replied, "The Sacred Family has sent invitations to many powerful families asking for their participation in a tournament for the younger generation. Today, we've also received an invitation. Are you two interested?"

Seeing Nie Li's grin following the Patriarch's words, Nie Ming couldn't help but think of it as feral. With a calm voice, Nie Li said, "Xiao Tai and I would love to participate! Would you also send a letter to the Alchemist Association? I'm sure that Director Yang would like to come and watch."

Nodding, Nie Hai said, "If you two write it, I'll gladly send it to her."

"Both you and Nie Tai are participating? There are four slots available," informed Nie En, looking at the roster sent to them. Seeing the twins nod, the elder added, "Very well. Nie Xiaogeng and Nie Shu will also be participating."

The other two were both of Two-Star Silver-Rank but had extremely weak demon-spirits. Nie Tai found this out after quickly inquiring Nie Hai on their strength. Waving her hand, she summoned two Extraordinary growth-rate demon-spirits and handed them to the confused Patriarch. With a disappointed expression, Nie Tai explained, "What they have is far from enough. Gift these to them on the behalf of the family. Xiao Li and I might supply some more later depending on our luck."

Silently studying the demon-spirits, Nie Hai let his expression turn curious. He could sense some sort of power within the demon-spirits but could not explain it. Resigning, he nodded and began to tell the twins of the tournament. Placing the demon-spirits into the hands of an elder, Nie Hai said, "It will take about half a month for the tournament to begin; I suggest that the two of you start preparing. A little information on the competitors from the Sacred Family has been leaked: the lowest level is Five-Star Silver-Rank!"

Snorting, Nie Li assured the Patriarch that he and his sister would be fine; afterwards, the majority of the elders left. Those that stayed were Nie Hai and Nie En. Nie Tai noticed her uncle's and father's curious and worried glances towards the twins. Refusing to frown, Nie Tai sent a smile to her father as she hoped to calm his nerves. Seeing this, he visibly relaxed and walked unhurriedly out of the courtyard.

"Patriarch Hai and I were wanting to discuss the current state of the strongest within the Heavenly Marks Family. While we have received the elixirs from you two, the declination from the past years has caused many cultivations to be stagnant. It would take expensive herbs to 'kick-start' their cultivation back into order," Nie En paused, an unseemly expression passing over the usually stoic face.

"Don't worry, we will take care of the herbs," said Nie Tai, waving a hand nonchalantly in the air.

"We'll also donate one hundred million demon-spirit coins. That should be plenty to fix up the Ancestral Hall, upgrade some buildings, and to aid the cultivators," offered Nie Li.

With wide eyes, Nie Hai asked, "O-one hundred million?"

"Yes, that should be enough. We'll wait a month or two and see how everything is progressing," soothed Nie Tai, smiling kindly.

Looking at the two as if they were demons, Nie Hai nodded numbly and said, "The Family will be made aware of your contribution; however, only the elders will know fo the exact amount. If you two are in need of anything, anything at all, send for me and I will aid for you the best I can."

"If you want to, that's fine. Now, leave and discuss the plans with the elders further. You won't mind sending the finalized plan to us when finished, correct?" Asked Nie Tai. She continued when the older men finished nodding, "Right, Xiao Li and I should continue training. I trust your abilities in handling this situation. We'll send an interspatial ring with the money later."

"Right, I wish you two luck in your training," replied Nie Hai with a smile. Motioning for Nie En to follow, they quickly left.

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