Thirty two

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Everything changed from that moment on. When Taehyung returned home after meeting Jimin, Kim Taejun knew that his conniving wily son whom he had painstakingly trained over the years to follow in his footsteps was back. The dangerous look he had used to possess had returned with a full force and Kim Taejun smiled in satisfaction.

"You went to see Park Jimin didn't you?" He said as Taehyung walked past him in the living room. The latter stopped and frowned.

"Park Jimin?" He breathed deeply. "I have no idea what came over me. How could I have intertwined myself with someone like him. I must have been crazy father"

"Well it's good to see that you are no longer a love struck fool" he eyed Taehyung. "Are you sure you're completely over him?"

Taehyung smiled. "Totally father, in a strange way, I feel free. Now I realize I had been locked in some kind of strange prison all these while"

Jimin must have really broken your heart so badly

Kim Taejun thought to himself. Anyway, he was glad his drama was over and he would continue where they left off.

"Go rest your self now Taehyung. You have to resume your duties in the company. Tomorrow, we shall meet with Lee pil mo and his daughter to finalise preparations for your wedding."

Despite how he was feeling about Jimin, he was hesitating marrying Jisoo but that had always been the plan from the beginning and now that he was back to his senses miraculously, he would have to go through with it.

"Of course father and I'm sorry for making you worried all these while"

He bowed and Kim Taejun nodded dismissing him with a wave of his hand. He entered his room slamming the door heavily. He was so angry and he didn't even know why. His heart was burning with rage. He looked at his image in the mirror.

Being with you, letting you touch me has being nothing but torture. I hated every single moment of it. All those times, the only thing I ever wanted to do was strangle you!"

"You're so pathetic. Have you ever asked yourself how I fell for you so easily? I only did that to get revenge and to make my parents proud"

"You're also epileptic. Do you know how annoying it is when I had to take care of your sick ass?

"To me everything we ever shared was a lie. A lie which has finally come to an end. I can't bear to spend one more moment with you. It angered me so much that I had to go through all that shit from your father because of you"

"But you agreed to marry me?"

"Oh that? I wanted to see just how far I was willing to go. It was all part of the plan you see"

"I can't believe this. You deceived me. I thought you loved me"

"Love you? "I don't love you. I hate you! I despise you. I wish you would just die"

"I don't love you Taehyung. I don't love you"

He smashed the mirror yelling out in anger. Pieces of the glass pierced into his skin causing blood to flow. Why was he even thinking about that now? Everything was over. He was done with Park Jimin. That chapter was closed now. He couldn't even understand how he could have fallen in love with him. He took off his shirt dumping it on the ground. He was going to soak himself in a hot bath but paused as soon as he laid eyes on that scar at his back. From time to time, he felt the pain but this time, it hurt more than normal and it made him remember things. He growled like a wounded beast and walked to the bathroom. He was never thinking of it again.

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