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It seemed like something was watching over them. Jimin wasn't sure what it was but for some reason, they were able to survive this terrible place. At least in the meantime.

All they could rely on was each other. Taehyung had started to become a reliable person taking great care of Jimin. He managed to pick fruits and get water for them. They both wondered where all these came from but they didn't question it much as long as they were still alive. They had once hated each other. Now, they couldn't imagine being alone without the other.

It had been three days since they were shipwrecked. They were both seating beside the seashore. Taehyung was gazing nervously at the sea while Jimin was taking a bite of the apple Taehyung had gotten that morning. He was already sick and tired of the fruits but right now he had no choice.

He wondered if his parents were looking for him. If he and Taehyung's friends were still alive. There were so many things piled up at the office. He still had plenty of work to take care of.

"Jimin..." Taehyung's voice rang in his ear waking him up from his reverie.

He stared at him. "What is it?"

"Come here, there's something I want to show you"

Jimin slowly got up.

"Pale!" Taehyung yelled impatiently and Jimin hurried to his side. He stood there looking entrapped by something.

Jimin rolled his eyes "What is it?"

Taehyung suddenly grabbed his arm and stood behind his back. He pointed to the sky above them.

"Look at that!" he whispered into the smaller's ear. Jimin exhaled when he saw the rainbow, exact with seven colors. He had never seen a rainbow before in his life. This was the first time and it was the most beautiful thing Jimin had ever seen. It shined so bright, that he felt tears wetting his eyes.

"It's so beautiful" He whispered unaware that his hand was gripping Taehyung's arm tightly.

"Not as beautiful as you" He heard Taehyung whisper and he froze. He realized he had been holding onto Taehyung and shrugged off his hand. He gasped when he noticed that the rainbow was vanishing till it was completely gone.

He turned to look at Taehyung and there was obvious love shining through his eyes. He shook his head. He didn't even want to allow himself to think of that look in his eyes. He started walking away but Taehyung held him back and pulled him to his body.

"I can't hold on Jimin...I'm going crazy" he whispered

"What are you doing?" Jimin muttered trying to drag himself away but Taehyung was stronger than him.

"I've been trying to suppress my feelings for you because that was what you wanted but I can't help myself"

He pulled Jimin away from him but held on to his arms and looked deep into his eyes. "We might not survive this island. We might end up staying here forever so what do we have to lose?"

Jimin frowned "Everything Taehyung, we get to lose everything"

He finally struggled successfully out of Taehyung's grip. "I believe we are getting out of here. We can't stay here forever. Our parents might be searching for us and when they find us, I want things to still be the way they are"

Taehyung sighed deeply. "What do you want me to do to prove my love for you?"

Jimin sighed. "Nothing, don't do anything because I'm never going to fall in love with you...Never"

Suddenly, rain began to fall. Slowly at first until it became like a waterfall. Taehyung grabbed Jimin's hand and they ran to the tree that had provided shade for them all this while. The rain was so heavy that it still got them very wet.

LOVE CUPID (Vmin) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora