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The six men stood with the staff members shivering under the tension. The hotel manager trembled slightly. He came forward and stood between the two men.

"We are very sorry but it looks like the staff who handled the orders was a temporary one. She made a mistake with the reservations and accepted payment from both of you"

Jimin eyed the man. "Bring her here right now"

"I'm afraid that's not possible sir. She was an intern and she quit yesterday"

"Just great!" Jimin cried throwing his arms up in the air in exasperation.

Taehyung smirked. "I don't see any problem here. You can just give him another hall"

"No way!" Hoseok yelled. "We paid for that hall which means we have as much right as you do to have it." He placed his hands on his hips. "Why don't you give up on it and get another one"

"You bitch..." Yoongi said.

Hoseok lurched forward"What did you just call me?"

"You heard me"

"This isn't high school anymore grumpy. No one is afraid of you..."

"Oh really...You want to find out?" Yoongi said showing his fist.

"Enough...." Jimin shouted. Jin held Hoseok back while Namjoon did the same with Yoongi. Jimin folded his arms over his chest and looked straight at Taehyung who still had an annoying smirk on his face.

"Listen Kim Taehyung. I know we both despise each other but today is an important day for me and my friends. It's my birthday so I think it's only right that you do something good for once and leave that hall to me"

Taehyung seemed to think about it. "I'm sorry, no can't do" He finally said. I have been planning this party for two months now and I have already invited several special guests"

"You can have it at another hall" Jimin yelled.

"No! I will never give up anything for you. Not even because it's your birthday" Taehyung said in a deadpanned serious voice.

Jimin grinned. "So I see, That's how you want it. Fine! We'll see"

Taehyung scoffed "We shall see"

Jimin rolled his eyes and walked towards the hall. Sensing the impending doom, the manager ran after him. "Sir, we shall give you a refund"

"Keep it!" Jimin barked as he and his friends entered the hall. It was so huge and sparkly clean with several chairs and speakers. He immediately liked it and sat down on one of the chairs.

"Jimin, shouldn't we just get another hall? It might make our guests uncomfortable having to mingle with these savages" Jin whispered but shut up when he saw Jimin's red eyes.

"And let that fool win? Never! Didn't you hear what that asshole said? He can never give up anything for me then why should I do the same?"

He crossed his leg and looked with disgust as Taehyung, Namjoon, and Yoongi entered.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Taehyung said. "People of your sophistication might not be able to handle what you see tonight"

The three began to laugh among themselves. Jimin scoffed.

"We'll see who is laughing at the end of the night assholes!"

They frowned. Jimin didn't have a plan and if it were up to him, he would have just let that bastard have it. He wasn't interested in mingling with his world one bit but the thought of losing that hall to Taehyung felt worse.

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