"Your welcome congratulations on the baby. I know your husband is a lucky man." I was about to walk inside the building but what he said bothered me.

"Excuse me sir?" He turned around and walked towards me. "What makes you think I'm married?"

"I'm sorry to offend you, but I just saw the ring on your finger and just assumed." I looked down at the ring I've been wearing since he gave it to me.

"Oh ok."

"Destiny come on before we miss our reservations!" Darcy walked over to me and started pulling on my arm. As she was dragging me into the building I glanced back and noticed that he was still staring at me. When we got inside I couldn't believe my eyes. There was purple and blue stuff everywhere and a big banner in the center of the room that read 'congratulations'.

"So do you like it?" Darcy asked, standing in front of me. I couldn't say anything, the place was just breath taking. There was a chocolate fountain in the corner surrounded by all types fruit. There was four layered purple cake with silver icing on it and a big D on top. The floors were made black quarts tiles that made room look so beautiful. Everything was just amazing.

"I-I love it !" I said through my tears.

"I'm glad, now follow me." She grabbed my hand and lead me to the head of the table. I noticed that all my friends were here even the ones from high school along with co-workers. Seeing them brought back so many memories. I was about to get something to drink until Darcy tapped my shoulder.

"Destiny I want you to meet someone!" I turned around and saw Rio one of Drew's friends.

"Hi Rio." I hugged him.

"Hey girl! How have you been? I haven't heard from you in a minute."

"I've been good but how do you know Darcy?"

"That's what I've been meaning to tell you." Darcy said while wrapping her arm around his torso. "Me and him have been seeing each other for awhile now."

"Omg congratulations!" I said while hugging her.

It was now about eleven thirty and I was going to get ready to leave until I saw the doors open. There he stood in the middle of the room looking like the same as the last time I saw him. I guess he saw me because he started walking towards me until a woman grabbed his arm and kissed him on the lips. That is when my whole world came crashing down.

"Who invited him here?" I asked Darcy pulling her on her arm.

"Don't be mad but mama said it was a good idea to invite him since he is the father of your child." I was about to say something else until I heard someone clear their throat. I turned around was face to face with Drew. He looked even more beautiful then the last time I saw him. He cut his long dreads leaving him with deep waves, his smooth mocha skin still had that same glow and his eyes still were mesmerizing.

"Hey Destiny, you look beautiful." He said while pulling me into a hug. I could smell the strong scent of his cologne. It instantly made me wet and I hatted that he could still do that.

"Thanks, you look handsome yourself." Surprisingly we didn't let go of each other we just stayed in each other's arms. A couple moments later I heard the mic being picked up and me and Drew both turned around.

"Hi can I have the mother to be and the father to be please come for their first dance?" Me and Drew slowly started walking to the center of the room and I felt everyone's eyes on us.


As I looked in to his eyes the piano started playing. I heard someone start walking on the stage and it was Somo. Drew grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him putting his hand on my lower back. I was little hesitant at first but I wrapped my arms around his neck. We slowly started swaying to the music. I was happy to feel him in my arms again. I was happy to just be in his embrace even if was for a little while. I started thinking about all the stuff that has been going on between us. From the first time we meet till the time I saw him at the hospital. I look up at him and saw him looking at me intently.

"What?" I asked while blushing a little.

"I was just thinking."

"What about?" I asked, placing my head against his chest.

"About us and how I didn't fight for us like I said I would."

"Drew please don,"

"Look I need to say this... I miss you and I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you and you mean the world to me and I hate everything I put you through. If I could take it back I would because you mean the world to me. I know I can't fix us but I'm gonna better for my daughter." Those were the exact words I needed to hear. I didn't care about who saw, I kissed his lips and I still felt the butterflies I got when we were together.

"I love you." I whispered as he wiped the tears off my face then kiss me again.

"I love you too." That was the point I realize I will always love this man even through all the hurt and heartache. I could never get over my first love and his name will always be carved on my heart.

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