Chapter 30- Matthew...

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"Matthew," I could hear his mom speak from the other end. She sounded upset, as if she were crying as she inhaled deeply.

"Mom? Mom where are you?" He asks as he sits up, my head falling onto the bed and I stuck my tongue out at him for it. "What's going on? Are you okay?" He asks as I sit up as well, watching his facial expressions intently.

"Matthew.." his mother's voice comes again. It's sort of hard to hear since she isn't on speaker phone, I respect Matt's privacy too much to ask him to. "I-it's your father," she says before she broke into tears, bawling on the other end.

"Where are you?! I'm coming," he says as he throws the covers off himself, jumping out of the bed as he pulled a shirt on over his head. She replies but I couldn't make out what she said because he is too far away. He nodded before hanging up the phone as he threw it on my bed. I hesitated, wondering if he wanted me to go with him before he turned to me as he slid his shoes onto his feet. "It's my dad," he said as he grabbed his jacket off my desk chair. "He had a heart attack," he said.

My eyes went wide and my jaw fell to the floor. No. It was a coincidence. There's no possible way I presumed Matt's dad would have a heart attack! He threw me my jacket off the chair as well so I assumed he wanted me to come to. This is too weird. He took my hand and ran to the car as he got in his side and I in mine. He sped out of the driveway, literally almost hitting his trash can. He zoomed down the street and I grabbed the arm rest by my seat with wide eyes. I'm literally afraid for my life right now.

Will Matt speeding we arrive at the hospital sooner than expected and surprisingly we hadn't gotten pulled over for some odd reason. He bolted into the hospital doors, me hot on his trail as he ran up the steps, heading to the room his mom told him his father was in. I stayed quiet as Matt finally found the room, slowly looking inside. His eyebrows furrowed together as he bit his bottom lip. "Dad," he whispered as he slowly approached his father's bed. He slumped into the chair beside his father's bed in defeat. I hesitantly made my way towards him as I wrapped my arms around him from behind, resting my chin on his shoulder. I felt a sob escape his mouth as his hands flew up and found mine, entwining his fingers with mine.

Then he cried.

I could do nothing more but hold him as his head bowed low, warm tears falling from his cheeks onto our hands. I could do nothing more but witness his soul shattering cries as this little lost boy clung to what little life his father had left. I could do nothing more but be here as he told me to make it better, to make this all go away. I can't.. and that kills me. I can't help him, I can't do anything.

"I.. I just came back from the hospital.. I already almost lost someone I love I.. I can't do this Claire, I can't do this again today!" He cried and I nodded, whispering soothing words into his ear. "Most people go through these things once in a lifetime not twice in a day!" He cried out and I joined him in his emotional state.

I couldn't help him! I couldn't take the pain away! I couldn't do anything! I was.. useless.

"Matt he's still alive," I whisper with a shaky voice due to me fighting back the waterfall which is sure to erupt from my eyes any moment. "Don't lose hope," I say.

It went quiet, aside from the faint beeping of his heartbeat censor.

Hours passed with just us sitting in that position until I began to get tired. "Matt," I whispered knowing he was still awake for he hadn't taken his eyes off his father. "I'm tired, we should go home. We'll come back tomorrow," I say.

He shakes his head in response. "You go," he says as he hauls his keys from his pocket. "I'm staying," he says blankly, monotone.

"Matt, I can't drive," I remind him so he tucks his keys back into his pocket and pulls out his wallet.

"Call a cab," he responds. I sigh as I decline his money.

"I'm going to the bathroom," I sigh as I trudge out of the tiny room. I look towards the signs, trying to find the washroom sign which pointed down the hall. I make my way down the hall as I head into the washroom, doing my business, washing my hands and stopping in front of the body length mirror. My hair was messy and tangled, I wore baggy bright pink pajama pants below a dark brown leather jacket. My eyes were puffy and red from crying, along with my nose, I looked about as great as I felt.. like shit. I sigh as I push open the heavy bathroom door with great force, knocking somebody over. "Ohmygosh!" I gasp as I peek behind the door. "Brent?!"

"Clarissa..?! Why did you hit me with the door?!" He laughs as he pushes himself up from the floor, allowing me to fully exit the bathroom. "I thought you went home, did something happen? Why are you back?" He asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"Matt's dad had a heart attack," I say quietly.

"Oh my gosh! Really?!" He says with wide eyes and I nod without making eye contact. "Man that must suck, two in one day huh," Brent mumbles while sticking his hands into his pockets.

"Why are you here?" I change the subject as I finally made eye contact since Matt's dad was brought up.

"My mom is being checked to make sure the cancer's still gone," Brent smiles. "It's been gone for a year so I'm pretty confident that it'll stay gone. Well at least that's what I'm telling myself so that if they find it it'll be a little more bearable," he whispers as he looks down, fiddling his thumbs.

"She'll be fine, Brent," I smile in hopes to cheer him up. "But I really should get back to Matt," I say with a frown and he nods, waving to me as I headed back down the hall. "Matt.." I say as I slowly opened the door, greeted with a major surprise.




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