Chapter 23- Please!

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~Clarissa's POV~

I push Carter back with wide eyes, completely unaware that my Prince Charming was standing witness to this.

Carter snaps his head around and my eyes follow his, meeting those chocolate brown pair.

"Matthew," I whisper.

He shakes his head at me as he turns on his heals, marching up the stairs.

"Matthew stop!" I push past Carter, racing after Matt. I barge through the front door and grab his wrist. "Matt, hear me out, please!" I beg as he turns to look at me with a disgusted look plastered on his face.

"Let go of me!" He snaps.

"Matt, Carter is just my friend!" I try to explain.

"I make out with my friends too Calire!" He sarcastically remarks.

"No Matt! Please, listen to me! I didn't want to kiss him, it wasn't my fault! I didn't kiss him back! Carter loves me and when I told him I had a boyfriend he got mad so when I told him to stay after he tried to leave he kissed me! It was just like that and you came in and got a whole new idea!" I begin to cry as I still held into his arm for dear life.

"Claire, are you... crying?" he turns his body to face me.

"Yes Matthew! I'm so afraid to lose you, you don't know how much you mean to me!" I sniffle as hot tears pour down my cheeks. "I can't lose you Matt I really can't!"

Then he loses his temper.

"You cheated on me! You lied to my face every time you told me you loved me, you were lying weren't you?! You kissed somebody else, Claire, do you not realize this?!" He shouts at me.

"I didn't kiss him you idiot! He kissed me! I didn't even kiss him back! I can kiss you without you wanting me to just like that and you can push me away but that doesn't matter right?!" I shove him with both hands and he stumbles back a bit.

"Even though I didn't have anything to do with it you're still mad at me because of what it looked like?! Even though I'm telling you it wasn't what it looked like!" I shout at him, the tears still streaming my face. "Why don't you trust me?" I ask, my voice much softer now since I'm all stormed out.

He surprises me extremely by grabbing my hips and yanking me closer while placing his soft delicate lips on mine in one swift motion. Without having any will power to push this boy away I struggle for a minute but finally give in as he lifts a hand from my hip and places it in the back of my neck.

"Don't you ever leave me," I whisper as I pull back.

"I promise," he whispers before re-connecting our lips.

Our love is so fucking bipolar.

(🔫 here's a gun. You can shoot me xD)

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