Writer's Update

1K 21 10

Wow! Holy crap guys, Nerdy has just recently reached 110k reads. That's 110,000 reads! Thank you all so much, you have no idea how grateful I am. So if you've reached the end of this poorly written story you'd realize that a sequel is virtually impossible. However, I have decided, after like two years, to write yet another Matthew Espinosa fan fiction. This one will be much easier to read because I have a lot more experience than I had while writing this story. So, I hope you'll take it upon yourself to read my new fan fiction called Turmoil. Think of it as a sort of thank you for 110k reads! Each and every one of you never cease to make me smile. Your comments and votes truly make my day. I love you, keep being absolutely amazing.

Nerdy || matt espinosaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя