Chapter 6- The Call

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I took a deep breath, it's okay Claire, you can do this. I step into the classroom and smile.

"Hey Liz!" I greet, my voice cracking a bit at the end.

"Claire, I heard what happened, I'm so sorry!" She pouts.

"I don't want to talk about it," I smile.

"Clarissa?" Brent asks.

"Yes?" I turn around.

He smiles at me and says "You deserved better anyways."

"Thanks Brent, how's your mom doing?" I ask.

He shrugged and looked to the ground. I place my hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay Brent, stay strong."

"I'll try."

* * *

"Hey!" I greet Nash, Cameron, and Matt as I take a seat at their table.

"Hi...?" Nash says.

"Hey Claire," Matt smiles down at his tray.

"Can I sit with you guys?" I ask.

Nash nods, "yeah but, don't you usually sit over there?" Nash nods his head in the direction of my old table and I glance back to see Trisha wave with a smug grin, then pucker her lips at me.

I smile at him, not trusting my voice. Matt kicks him from under the table.

"Ow!" Nash hisses, kicking him back.

Matt swings again but hits Cameron, who kicks me.

"Ow!" I call and kick my foot straight out, hitting Matthew.

Great, now we've started a kicking war. Matt kicks Nash who kicks me and I kick Cameron who kicks Nash who kicks Matt. It goes on like this until I can't breathe from laughing so hard.

I think I'm going to like this clique nice.

"Hey!" I'm surprised to see Michaela take a seat beside me.

"Michaela! Hey!" I smile.

She pulls her phone out under the table and sends a quick message. My phone vibrates.

Michaela: You guys look like more fun, Trisha's a b***

I laugh and stuff my phone in my pocket.

"What are you guys doing after school?" I ask.

They look at one another then back at me.

"Whatever you're doing I guess," Nash laughs.

I roll my eyes, "we should all go bowling or something!"

"Sure." Cameron says.


* * *

I quickly shove two studs through my ears and race to the door.

"About time girl!" Michaela laughs and we rush into her moms car.

We arrive at the bowling alley and agree to get pizza first. They guys are already there waiting. We devour the pizza and head into the bowling place to play. My phone chimes.

"Oh, hold on a second guys." I run to the side and answer it.


"Honey, hi," it's my mom.

"Me and Dad have some very bad news," she sighs.

"Wait, what is it?" I ask, beginning to panic.

"Well honey..."

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