Chapter 17- Claire...

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I haven't been to school in a week. I haven't been answering my mom or dad as they shout for me to go to school from behind my locked door.

I'll just roll over and pull the covers up until they leave.

Today was different though, an hour after they were gone there was a knock at my door. I walked up the stairs and opened it, not checking who it was first.

"Clarissa..." Lesson learned, always check before answering the door kids. I roll my eyes and close the door but my unexpected (and unwanted) guest sticks his foot in.

"Matthew go away!" I roll my eyes while opening the door so I don't break his foot.

"Clarissa, I love you," he says.

"Matthew! You can't tell me you don't want to be friends and then show up here all like 'I love you' and shit!" I shout at him. Before I could slam the door again his lips crash onto mine.

If I had enough self respect I would have pushed him off. So I did.

"Clarissa listen to me!" He pleads as I'm about to shut the door again. "I want to be your friend! For fucks sake I want to be your boyfriend! I really do, but I can't. I can't tell you why Claire but you'll know soon enough. I'm keeping my distance from you to protect you from getting hurt!"

"You're hurting by keeping your distance!" I argue.

"It'll hurt even more if I don't Claire, god damn it," he sighs while running his hands through his hair. "Just please... come back to school."

"Matt go home," I snarl.

"Promise?" He sticks his little finger out. I roll my eyes and shut the door (successfully).

"Promise," I whisper through the closed door before squeezing my eyes shut.

I went to school the next day, although Matt didn't even so much as look at me. I went the day after that too, Matt continuing to ignore me. The next couple of weeks went the same way as well, heck, two months after that and he was still on my mind.

Until one day I went to school and he wasn't there...

I waited until the next day but still no sign of Matt, two days later I walked up to Nash.

"Nash, where's Matt been to?" I ask as I grab his shoulder, swirling him around.

"Claire..." Nash's voice cracks before he wraps me in a hug, squeezing me tightly.

"Nash, what on earth is wrong?" I laugh at his sudden out burst. Actually, come to think of it Nash and Cameron have been sullen these past couple of days.

"Claire we have something to tell you," Nash says as he pulls back, giving Cameron a look of reassurance.

"Claire we love you like a sister, you know that don't you? Even though Matt couldn't have you around you're still our best friend and we're here for you," Cameron croaks.

"Guys what the heck is wrong with you?" I laugh.

"Claire... the reason Matt wanted to stop being friends is because..." Nash looks to the ground unable to finish his sentence. My smile is beginning to fade.

Cameron squeezes his eyes closed. "Matt has cancer," Cameron just cuts right to the point.

"What?!" I shout, my smile completely gone now.

"Claire, I'm so so-" Nash begins but I didn't hear the rest of his sentence. I fell to my knees, the whole world has gone blurry and it's just me, kneeling here all alone. No, not Matt. Matt's such a great person! I- I love him!

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