After he takes off the rest of my clothes, I start feeling pain worse than I've ever felt. Worse than when Daddy would hit me, worse than when I would fall down the stairs, worse than when Daddy threw a plate at me and it broke, cutting up the side of my face... I haven't ever felt pain this bad, and it goes through my whole body. I start crying harder as I try to pull away from Mr. Nathan.

        When Mr. Nathan was finally done doing what he was, I couldn't move because my body hurt so much. He'd put his hands around my throat at some point, and he yelled at me to stop trying to scream. I did what he told me to, and did my best to do everything that he demanded while he was in my room. By the time he was finished, the sun was already coming up.

        When he left my room, I just laid on my bed. I couldn't move, I couldn't cry, I couldn't scream, I couldn't do anything... Mommy came in a few minutes later and screamed as she saw me. She picked me up and took me into the bathroom, then put me into a hot bath. The hot water hurt my body even more, but I was too scared to scream because of it.

        Mommy left the bathroom after putting me into the tub.

        That was the last time she ever acted like a mother, to me.

Present Day

        "he just wanted me to try you out, let him know your quality before he went off and started selling to strangers. And after getting my first taste of you," he licks his lips hungrily as I tremble beneath him, "I was hooked." I try my hardest not to scream out as he leans down and licks from my shoulder to my jaw, making the painful memory of all that time ago come back full force. All that fear I felt, all that pain of my small body having my first time taken so forcefully. I could feel myself breaking from the inside out as he grips the bottom hem of my shirt, and I'm unable to stifle the scream of utter terror that echos through my room.

        Nathan freezes, obviously shocked that I'd actually screamed. Then he mutters "shit" after hearing rapid footsteps coming toward my room. He quickly gets off my bed and looks down at me, just in time for my door to open, and for both Kimberly and Hunter to come barging in. Hunter runs over to my bed, not even registering that his father is standing there as he climbs up next to me and wraps his arms protectively around me after  pulling me into a sitting position.

        I'm still trembling as tears start to roll down my face and I stare at Nathan in complete horror. Kimberly stands in my doorway, unable to mask her shock, "N-Nathan?" Nathan turns to her, and I could see the wheels turning in his head to come up with some sort of excuse. I watch Kimberly swallow hard, "What... Are you doing in here? This late at night...? With her door... Shut...?"

        "This is it... She figured it out! She sees her husband for who he really is!"

        My hopeful thoughts are short lived as it doesn't take Nathan even five seconds to come out with his answer, "I was heading to the bathroom and heard her whimpering as I walked past her door. I opened it to check on her, and saw that she was sleeping; probably having a nightmare. So I closed the door so it didn't wake anyone else, then I went to wake her up. I guess shaking her shoulder scared her awake, which is when she screamed."

        And that was that... The look on Kimberly's face, the one of respect and love for her husband, showed me that she believed him. She thought him a great man for taking the fatherly approach to help the poor little charity case. I then turn to look at Hunter, to see if he bought the excuse as well.....

        He did.

        He was staring at his father with pride, his face clearing saying "I'm so proud to be your son."... If only they knew...

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