I sat down after the class so surprised it went well! It was a rocking house of bodies moving and great music.

   I ended the cool down with sade kiss of life! The ladies loved it and I did too cause that salsa had us going in the last dance.

   As the cool down is winding down I see a tall beautiful dark being looking in the window. He is beautiful and I spot jack tall lanky slim built in a million men ok.

  He smiles and gives me a big grin acting silly and I give the biggest grin and the ladies know its jack there especially Nikki.

" he's dancing isn't he ""yess he is""" and he comes in looks at me and says "" hey you"" come here"" and I do.

   I saw you rocking it go girl as he hugs me tight and even his sweat smells good lawd!!! The guys say y'all doing it here! I was trying to do the moves but could not.
Go baby yesss!

He had me smiling and biting my lip as I was and am all the time!
Especially in the tub that night he had me smiling and moaning! Legs going all over! He told me I like your moans.

His fingers had me that way and I thought of that as I did a dance! To a song called all his!
We had already connected now we are sure connected.

"You gotta come to my class babe"" ok for a minute I will next time as he leans in to kiss me and I like this I do.

A man showing affection to me it feels good! This is a good Saturday for me. Now to spend time with jack a bit before I go in to the salon.

My days are better with him! Before I just existed! Work! Home! Visiting Nicole! Home! It's much better now!

I hope it stays this way I do!
I tell him"" baby I am hungry"" you are well""I cooked your creamy mushroom pasta""" awww Jack thank you"" it's my pleasure I love feeding you and watching you eat"" he says smiling at me.

Let's go eat princess and be together before you go to work! Then I got my fix until you come home.

Jack my legs hurt """ lol"'they do awww that baby"" it means I did my job"" did you feel good?""Yes! And I am sore in between my legs and the legs"" lol"" I said to myself this Jackson ""he got the touch.

It's just me jack baby "" and you needed to release"""I did I say as we walk out hand n hand out the gym.

I was hungry after class and had only about two hours with jack so we decided to cook breakfast and chill until I left for the salon.

We layed in bed feeding each other watching law n order reruns and kissing! I loved it and hated for it to end.

He got me to play tic tac toe on the floor and he cheated but did let me win too. Where was jack years ago? I needed him!

Jackson is the type of guy I can stay on the phone with all night and won't complain but he is so kind! He wants you to get sleep.

So after an not even an hour that crazy game my body was sore again lol! Sweaty we both were and debating in a funny way.

He knew what he was doing with this game lol! Know I just wanna take off and sleep lay on his chest and cross my short legs with his! But I got clients ok!

So we take a shower together and it's a struggle to let that go wow! He is awesome! We oil each other down in my vanilla oil and the chef he is as we talk he cooks and he steals kisses from me.

Jackson makes me lunch! I wanna cry on how he wants to be so good to me! I gotta tell Nicole he real!
The conservations we have and how he has me with him everywhere if he could. He is so tall and slim I love it!

The way he is around me! How he picks me up and twirls me around. I loved how he play flirty  tic tac toe with me a got me hot!

He stopped before it went to far into a penetrating moment. So far no penetration momentum yet but soon it will be and I am ready for Jackson.

See I am at work thinking of this and him! The man trying to make me mess up my groove on this Saturday with my clients.

Allison knows lol! Saying ""girl he getting you" let him"" see me as your client knows this """get you some girl.
""He already used floor tic tac toe he knows what he doing with you"" let him and he seems so real and kind!
""Move on him girl""" yesss! I need to it's getting hotter every-time.
Girl""I might be falling for him hard getting that rose 🌹 feels of a feeling and this one don't need to go bad.""
Right"""right ""ok!!

I believe he is opening me up in a short time! When I usually run after I get use to a man! I run.
I haven't ran from him and that is scarring me but I see I like this.
Two months of being with him and I see no red flags I see hopeful flags!
So new to me! This sexy! This love I get from him and in the sexy I laugh!! He makes me feel like a lady!

Thinking of this I get a sweet text from him and I glee! I quickly respond and he responds back! Glad my client is under the dryer glad for this free time to respond to him!

My Heart beats a million beats with him! Seeing him! This Saturday with him was good! I wanna see many more Saturdays with him like this.

I am in love with him! Not just love him! No! Not me Bella! He tells me he loves me! Shows me! I wonder is he in love with me for real!

Do I ask or wait? I might ask tonight! But he might run! He is the one! Don't do it yet Bella! Let Jackson tell you my client said.

Just go with the flow and ride this wave! He waving on you hard!

He is """I said smiling!"""

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