Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"I didn't know you were gonna be here," Alwynn smiled, passing his rucksack to Jethro to put behind the bar for safe keeping.

"Wist has been feeling a bit clingy recently," Jethro teased before turning to Vant, who lingered close behind Alwynn, "is this the boyfriend then?"

"Yeah," Alwynn giggled, "Vant, this is Wisteria and Jethro."

"It's nice to meet you," Vant shook Jethro's hand, falling into mundane conversation with Wisteria for a moment. That was until a very tall, very muscular man with silky chocolate skin strode over, draping an arm over Alwynn's shoulders and scowling at Vant.

"This guy bothering you, babe?" Vant stood to his full height, having been leant on the bar before, that possessive rage flaring in his eyes.

"Excuse me? Babe?" he growled, taking a step closer to Alwynn and the intruding man. Immediately, Alwynn managed to get between the two before Vant lost his temper, a nervous laugh drifting from him.

"OK, let me explain," Alwynn put a hand on Vant's chest, feeling him loom ever closer, "Vant, this is Eden, Iola's husband. Eden, this is my boyfriend, Vant," Eden immediately dropped the tough guy act, a nervous smile of his own appearing.

"Shit, sorry, man, I didn't know," Eden extending his hand to Vant as some obvious act of truce, which Alwynn was glad his boyfriend accepted, the anger flowing out of him just as quickly as it had appeared, "that's just something I do with all the guys here, I like to watch out for them, y'know?"

"I understand," Vant said in a much more composed tone, "thank you, that's very considerate of you."

"Edee!" all attention turned to Iola, who jogged out of the back wearing only a black thong and a sheer grey robe that barely covered anything, "Edee, plait my hair for me, please," Iola crooned, draping himself over his husband and pouting until Eden agreed.

"What is this? Couples night?" Hudson adorned a frown but Alwynn knew he was only joking, "can all staff members please work and not fawn over your significant others?" Iola stuck his tongue out at Hudson, who pulled a face right back at him, making Eden chuckle. Alwynn started unbuttoning the top few buttons of his shirt as he always did, frowning when Vant covered his hands, stopping him.

"I get more tips when I show more skin," Alwynn explained, be it in a whining tone.

"Whatever you need the money for so desperately, I'll buy you three. These stay buttoned," Alwynn giggled when Vant redid the buttons, accepting the chaste kiss from his boyfriend before he sat at the bar. Alwynn collected the black tray he used, catching the tail end of Hudson's generic threat to Vant that he gave to every partner of his staff members. Hudson really did care, it was rather sweet.

"Good evening, can I get you anything to drink?" Alwynn asked one of the more regular customers politely, noting that the men he was with weren't familiar at all.

"How about we give you something to drink instead?" one of the unfamiliar men sneered, palming his obvious erection through his jeans.

"I'm not sure my boyfriend would appreciate it," Alwynn sighed, "so can I get you-"

"He ain't here, sweetheart," another chimed in, "we won't tell if you won't."

"Actually, he's over there at the bar, I'm sure he would love to hear the suggestion," Alwynn pointed toward Vant and, on cue, his boyfriend turned, flashing a smile to the boy and a glower to the men, "shall I go get him and you can ask or do you just want to order some drinks?"

"Four glasses of red wine, please," the regular, more composed, customer ordered, looking a little uncomfortable with his friends.

"I'll get those for you right away," Alwynn's smile dropped the second he spun on his heels, walking back to the bar and relaying the order to Jethro. Alwynn leaned into Vant when he felt his hand on his back, allowing that calm sensation to flow through him.

Death's Middle Name {boyxboy}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang