Chapter Fifteen

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~Sunday 17th December 2017~

Alwynn was sure he had never slept so well in all his life. Usually, he would wake up at some point during the night, solely because he was a light sleeper, yet, not once did his slumber break. It was bliss, encased in Vant's arms, feeling safer than he thought possible. But, sadly, all good things had to come to an end.

The irritating noise of his phone vibrating on his bedside table awoke Alwynn, dragging him from his peaceful dream. Rolling over, Alwynn found himself alone in bed, instantly dampening his good mood slightly. Surely he hadn't imagined it all? Not a chance, his imagination might have been good, but it wasn't that vivid.

There was a little note next to Alwynn's phone from Vant, saying he had gotten up at seven am, madman, and went out to get some things to make breakfast. Upon checking his alarm clock, Alwynn saw he had slept in until eleven, what a terrible host he was, Vant would have been alone and had to amuse himself for nearly four hours. Next, he picked up his phone, checking the text he had received, unaware of how much he would wish he hadn't.

Unknown Number: Baby, stop ignoring me. Why are you being so mean? :( And there went the remnants of Alwynn's good mood. Brodie was getting beyond a joke, having sent over twenty texts last night alone and probably well over three hundred since Alwynn had gotten home from the coast. Alwynn had only just managed to delete all the texts when another came through.

Unknown Number: Who was that man you were with last night? You better not be cheating on me, baby, I don't take well to cheats. Alwynn blanched, his breath catching in his throat as he reread the text over again, ensuring his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. What the fuck had he gotten himself into?

Alwynn blocked Brodie's number, hoping futilely that it would be enough to put the creep off, and trying desperately not to think of the implications of his final text. Alwynn made his bed, putting on some fluffy socks, not pink ones that time, and his new jacket, before wandering into the bathroom.

Having never had many friends sleep over, it hadn't occurred to Alwynn that they would obviously use his en-suite bathroom. This meant Alwynn hadn't thought to knock on the closed door before entering, instead simply gawping at Vant's naked body when he stepped out of the shower, catching sight of the boy.

Alwynn was speechless, his lips parted to allow his shallow breaths to flow, his wide eyes drifting over Vant's dripping form. Shamelessly, he stared right at Vant's cock for the longest time, unable to drag his gaze away from the thick member, feeling his own length hardening. It wasn't until his eyes finally met Vant's that the reality hit him.

"Could you pass me a towel, please?" Vant was smirking, smirking, whilst Alwynn had just blatantly checked him out. How could he be finding the situation funny?

"Fuck, I'm so sorry, I should have knocked," Alwynn babbled, covering his eyes despite it being far too late, fumbling around in the cupboard for a clean towel and holding it out blindly in Vant's direction.

"No point covering your eyes now, Ali," Vant chuckled lowly, lifting the towel from Alwynn's outstretched hand, "I don't mind, it doesn't bother me that you've seen me naked," Alwynn bit his lip, letting his eyes flutter open, forcing them to remain on Vant's eyes and nowhere else, "were you gonna shower?" Vant, clearly wanting to prolong Alwynn's torture, was using the towel to dry his hair, not cover his fucking semi. God, he had a semi, fuck, why did he have a semi? Surely he wasn't aroused by the whole situation?

"Y-Yeah," somehow, Alwynn's brain thought it was the best time for him to collect a new bottle of shower gel from under the sink, because clearly, that was the most vital factor in that moment. Bending down, he collected the full bottle, almost choking on his own tongue when he stood, seeing Vant right behind him, or rather, feeling him there first. Alwynn was almost a hundred per cent sure Vant had passed the point of a semi without even seeing for himself.

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