Chapter Fourteen

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~Saturday 16th December 2017~

"I'm coming!" Alwynn yelled, ignoring the pain in his throat that followed most speech, hoisting himself up off the couch, "for fuck sake," he added under his breath, pulling his cardigan tighter around himself whilst he shuffled to the front door. Collecting the key from the little bowl next to the stairs, Alwynn unlocked the door, ceasing his quiet grumbling about being far too tired for any sort of guest.

"What?" he snapped when the door swung open, his eyes widening when they landed on Vant's gentle smile.

"Not exactly the hello I was expecting..." Vant said with a chuckle, probably enjoying the mortified expression on Alwynn's face.

"Shit, I'm so sorry, I didn't think it would you be," Alwynn stepped to the side, "come in, you must be freezing," Alwynn closed the door after Vant, locking it and returning his keys to their rightful place.

"How are you?" Vant asked, turning to face Alwynn, trapping him against the door. He didn't like that question, wasn't sure there was a person in the world that did.

"You want the honest version or the one I tell my parents?" Alwynn smiled feebly when another beautiful chuckle drifted from Vant's lips.


"Absolute shit," Alwynn admitted, "my neck hurts, my head hurts, my whole fucking body hurts. And I've got a sore throat, as if life couldn't get any worse," Vant's smile became far more compassionate and he held out a bag to Alwynn.

"Maybe this will brighten your mood," Alwynn frowned, wandering into the living room with Vant on his heel, opening the bag with a gasp. He pulled out an exact replica of the jacket Vant had previously given him that had been almost destroyed when he was attacked.

"I hate you," Alwynn bit back the tears as he wrapped his arms around Vant's waist, clutching tight onto the man. How could he be so sweet?

"You don't like it?" Vant sounded genuinely concerned, a little confusion laced in with his tone.

"I love it, thank you," Alwynn stepped back, wiping his eyes, "I hate you for making me cry, all I ever do is cry now," Alwynn chuckled weakly, shrugging the jacket over his shoulders, instantly bathed in that musky scent that emanated from Vant.

"I wore it for a few days, I hope you don't mind."

"It makes it ten times better, thank you," Alwynn beamed, "I'm sorry about what happened to your old one."

"Not your fault, don't worry about it. I was thinking you could wear that out today," Alwynn frowned once again, though the happiness within him only flourished, "I thought getting out of the house might be good for you, with your parents being away and all," business trip after business trip his parents took, Alwynn didn't care, he wasn't particularly fond of them fussing over him, "there's a Christmas market nearby, I thought we could go if you're feeling up to it," Alwynn couldn't help thinking of the word 'date' when Vant suggested going out together. Pushing the impending excitement away, he smiled contently.

"That sounds like fun, I'd love to," Alwynn folded up the next bag the jacket had come in, "I'll just go get dressed."

"Have you eaten?" Vant inquired when Alwynn was halfway up the stairs, almost out of eyeline.

"Yep," he lied flawlessly, continuing upstairs to his room. He allowed the grin on his face to shine through as he lifted one side of the jacket to his face and inhaled Vant's intoxicating scent. That man was far too alluring for his own good. First the jacket, then offering to take Alwynn out to some Christmas market, Vant was much sweeter than he needed to be.

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