Chapter Seven

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~Sunday 3rd December 2017~

Vant didn't bother to put away the liquor he had purchased, leaving it in the paper bag next to the front door, stalking up to his office. He couldn't stop clenching and unclenching his fists, fighting against the rage coursing through his veins, trying to ignore the overwhelming urge to turn back, to spill blood.

Blood, what a terrible thing to think of in that moment. Vant shouldn't even imagine the satisfaction he would feel alleviating all the blood from that boy's veins, ripping him to shreds for simply standing too close to his Alwynn. His Alwynn. Now that sounded so right, so perfect, too bad it was only an illusion, a fantasy Vant indulged himself in far too often.

Vant received not even an iota of serenity listening to his desk clatter over, papers fluttering to the floor and whatever else scattering over the rug, nor did he feel any difference when he put his fist through the wall. Deep breaths did nothing, that therapist drabble only seemed effective with humans. Breathing was entirely pointless to a living corpse.

"Vant? What the fuck are you doing? Lux is sleeping downstairs," Vant spun on his heel upon hearing Eternity storm into the room, watching as her scowl morphed into a look of guttural fear, "what happened?" Eternity kept her distance, as she rightfully should, taking wary steps around the debris littered across the floor.

"Mine," Vant managed to force out, his body trembling, alight with the adrenaline burning in his veins, "he's mine," he repeated in a snarl, baring his fangs when his top lip curled. He may have only uttered three words but it was enough for Eternity to understand precisely what had set Vant off, not that he had any hope she could do much to help.

"This is regarding Alwynn, then, yeah?" at the mere mention of his name, a burst of fury pulsed through Vant, his chosen reaction being to put his boot through the wall that time, "hey!" Eternity scolded, her own fangs dropping down, conveying her anger toward the situation, "you are going to calm down, Vant, right fucking now," Vant preferred not to have his children involved in his affairs, especially ones that were so close to his heart, however, Eternity had seen her fair share of breakdowns over the years. He pitied her the most, having to pick up the splintered pieces after any outburst he had, never being able to be the child as she was supposed to, playing the role he should have taken.

"Can't," it wasn't that Vant didn't want to calm down, it wasn't even that he didn't have the capabilities to, it was that he knew exactly what would relax him in an instant yet couldn't have that. He tried to think of Alwynn, tried to think of the boy in his arms, muttering soft encouragements, running his fingers over Vant's skin, smiling that anxious little smile. Instead, images of him in that other human, Meyer's, arms infected his mind, the two of them locked in a kiss, that human taking what was his. Unmarked, yet most definitely claimed, any vampire would be able to sense that.

"Yes, you can, Vant. You aren't some three-month-old newborn, you're almost five millennia, control flows through you every day, it's in your blood," though in some senses, Eternity was correct, her words barely breached the cloud fogging Vant's mind, "you're gonna stop with this shit right now, Vant, you know how much it scares us. Not to mention the fact that my daughter, your granddaughter, is downstairs. What if she had come up here? What if she had seen you like this? Do you realise what that would have done to her?" Eternity may have thought guilt would help Vant but it only darkened his mindset, stealing the control further and further from his frail grasp. Vant continued his pacing, breathing heavily, growling and muttering under his breath.

"OK, y'know what?" Eternity was in front of Vant in a flash, then he was flat on his back with her straddling his stomach, her iron grip pinning his wrists to the floor next to his head, "you are going to take a deep fucking breath and lie here until you're calm enough to tell me what happened with your words, not these animalistic grunts, understand?" Vant merely glowered up at his daughter, who frowned right back down to him, holding her ground. Following her instruction, Vant inhaled deeply, filling his lungs, imagining the rage flowing out of him with each breath he released. He repeated the action for nearly ten minutes until he felt as though he could explain himself, even if he had to stop periodically during which to remain in control.

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