Chapter Twenty-Five

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~Monday 25th December 2017~

Alwynn: I hate Christmas, why couldn't I just stay at yours? I could have made up some nice excuse to get away and we could have just spent the day together rather than me sit through the torture of my parents fawning over my fucking brother and his new girlfriend x. The scowl on Alwynn's face had remained there since early that morning, his mood making it impossible for him to enjoy anything. Raul had taken all the attention, which wasn't too bad since it meant no one noticed the foul mood that Alwynn was in, however, he was getting sick of his brother telling the same story of how he met his girlfriend, Tamari, to every relative.

Daddy: It's not better here, sweet boy, very boring and quiet x.

Alwynn: Sounds like heaven. Where are your kids? X.

"Who are you texting?" Alwynn flinched upon hearing his brother's voice close behind him, "you haven't put your phone down all day, people want to see you."

"I'm sure they're all perfectly happy talking with you and Tamari, where did you leave your precious girlfriend anyway? She was joined at your hip the last time I checked," Alwynn grumbled, shifting so his brother would have to walk around him to see his phone screen.

"She's helping mom in the kitchen, seriously though, Al, come on, you can't hole up in here all day," Alwynn rolled his eyes, returning his attention to his phone instead, "I'll get dad to confiscate it, he'll do it if I ask him, Al, don't make me act like an ass."

"Fine, just give me a minute," Alwynn muttered sullenly, waiting until his brother had left the living room until he finally checked Vant's text.

Daddy: Eternity is at Oak's apartment with Lux, Heiress and Everest went hiking and Nephi and Nova are out on a ride. I'm all alone, although that isn't a curse. I can finally get some work done for once without being interrupted every two seconds x.

Alwynn: I wish I could join you still. I'll make some excuse to get away after dinner, people won't notice me so much when they're a little more drunk x.

Daddy: Just don't go out when it's dark, or text me beforehand and I'll meet you nearby x. There was that overprotective nature rearing its head as it had begun to more often since the incident with Brodie. The man was in police custody, why couldn't everyone see he was no longer a threat to Alwynn?

Alwynn: Will do x. Alwynn rose from his place on the couch, bracing himself for the probing questions from his more distant relatives. He slumped into the dining room, hoping if he stayed plastered to the wall he might not be noticed.

"Alwynn finally decided to grace us with your presence I see," one of his uncles commented in a near snide tone, to which Alwynn merely forced a strained smile.

"Come sit down, dear," his Auntie Harriette, one of the more pleasant relatives, beamed, offering the empty seat next to her. Reluctantly, Alwynn perched on it, staying quiet in the hopes that his family would continue their conversations around him without his involvement.

"How are you, dear?" Harriette asked again, juggling her twins on her lap until one reached for Alwynn and he happily held the little boy in his lap.

"Fine, thank you. How are you?" Alwynn tried his best to remain polite, holding the toddler's hands whilst he bounced him on his knee, smiling when the little boy began to laugh uncontrollably.

"Tired, as you would expect," Harriette smiled at her child's infectious laugh, "he certainly seems to like you, you're a natural with them. Are you thinking of having children of your own someday?"

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