Chapter Twenty-Seven

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~Thursday 28th December 2017~

"I think you're forgetting something, sweet boy," Alwynn looked up from buckling his seat belt, seeing Vant tap his lips. Giggling, he leant over and pressed a long kiss to his boyfriend's lips, keeping his hands to himself for fear he would make himself late for work if he indulged in his desires.


"For now, I suppose," Alwynn returned to his seat with a smile, his good mood from the day previous still retained, "have you eaten?" Vant pulled away from the curb, keeping the majority of his attention on the road.

"Yes, daddy," Alwynn crooned, smiling innocently when Vant's cocked an eyebrow, "I have, I promise."

"What did you have?" Vant always got all authoritative when he was talking about something he deemed serious, it was actually a pretty attractive look for him.

"Toast," Alwynn's smile grew even further when Vant shot him a disapproving look, "and a peach," he added in a less confident tone.

"Ali, we've talked about this, you can't be working long shifts on such little food. You'll pass out."

"I'll be fine, I promise. If I get really hungry I'll get Hudson to let me go down to the store around the block and get something," that comment didn't seem to help Alwynn's case.

"Not alone you won't, you don't know who could be out on the streets at night. You don't exactly work in a family-friendly neighbourhood," Alwynn sighed quietly, although Vant probably heard it clear as day.

"Brodie isn't out there, Vant," he mumbled under his breath.

"Brodie isn't the only person I'm worried about," Vant reached over, slipping his hand into Alwynn's, "it's not my intent to baby you, Ali, but I know what's out there, what hides in the shadows. I know exactly what I myself am capable so I know what others are too. The bracelet I gave you only warns other vampires that you're claimed, it doesn't stop them from attacking you and it certainly has no effect on humans."

"Yeah, I suppose you're right," Alwynn murmured, picking up his rucksack from the footwell, "I'll get Iola or Ceylon to go with me if I do," Alwynn leant over, pecking Vant's lips when the car stopped in the club's parking lot, "see you at ten."

"Yeah, right," Vant said with a chuckle, stepping out of the car when Alwynn did, putting a frown on the boy's face, "you really think I was gonna let you work alone? I've seen how people treat you in there, I'll be at every shift possible from now on."

"OK, wait," Alwynn put his hands on Vant's chest, stopping him from actually walking them into the club, "if you're gonna be super overprotective, possessive boyfriend, which is really sexy by the way, you cannot start fights or anything. If something happens you have to let security and Hudson deal with it, OK?"

"I'll be on my best behaviour, sweet boy, don't worry," Alwynn nodded, stretching up on his tiptoes to give Vant a chaste kiss before gripping his hand and leading him inside.

"Hey, Alwynn," Ceylon and Lars greeted Alwynn simultaneously, although he didn't remain in their attention for long, "who are you?" Ceylon purred, the two of them walking over and circling Vant like he was prey.

"This is my boyfriend, Vant," Alwynn smiled at Lars' jaw dropping open, "Vant, this is Ceylon and Lars."

"Where can I find one?" Lars pouted, crossing his arms over his chest like a sulking teenager.

"Oh, shut up, Lars, aren't I enough for you?" Ceylon mirrored Lars' expression until the latter finally caved, giving him a long kiss. Well, that was new. Alwynn took the opportunity to lead Vant away to the bar, seeing Wisteria stood with Jethro behind it.

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