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Hello, SuicidalGooze here!

I'm super excited to introduce the cover and title to my sequel to "My Parents are Gay"!

I introduce to you: The Dadsandwich!

Were you saddened by the end of "My Parents Are Gay"? Well DON'T WORRY because "The Dadsandwich" is here to cure your sadness!

This story contains plenty more Irondad, Ironstrange, Spideypool, Oliver and many more. There'll be drama, laughs, tears and cheers. AND don't forget the dad jokes. There'll be plenty of dad jokes!

BONUS: I'll introduce some new characters which were not in "My Parents Are Gay". We are about to get a couple of lesbians here. Hehehehehehe~

There will also be more of the characters that were in Infinity War that were not in "My Parents Are Gay".

Supreme Family is Back!

Carry one with your day. Happy tidings!


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