Your Side. My Side.

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Narrator's POV

"Yeah!" Bruce and Tony busted through the door of room 205 cheering and carrying Stephen. Stephen laughed.

"Ow!" Tony howled. "Wizard, you were amazing!"

"Yeah, Stephen that was awesome." Bruce said, carrying Stephen on his shoulders now.

"Whoa, okay Bruce." Stephen smiled nervously.

"How did you do that? You won us our third trophy." Tony said.

"I tossed it into the Mirror Dimension." Stephen said.

""Mirror Dimension"?" Tony questioned.

Stephen floated down from Bruce's shoulders. "Yeah." He answered. He made symbols with his fingers and opened his arms. Suddenly there were shattering sounds all around the three, and floating crystals appeared to surround them."The Mirror Dimension." Stephen's voice echoed.

"Whoa." Tony's eyes twinkled with curiousness. Stephen smiled at him.

"This is amazing." Bruce said.

"In the Mirror Dimension no one can hear you or see you, the events that happen here cannot interfere with the outside world." Stephen said. Tony was climbing walls and jumping up and down. He crawled on the ceiling.

"Nothing?" Bruce looked at Stephen.

"We use it to contain threats and dark magic that could be potentially dangerous." Stephen explained.

"There's dark magic out there too?" Bruce asked.

"Whoa. TeHeHehEheHEhEhehheHEhe." Tony was enjoying himself.

"Yes, lots." Stephen couldn't take his eyes off of Tony. He was having fun, he looked like a three year old. "But that's not important right now." Stephen looked at Bruce. "Enjoy yourself, you've earned it." He smiled at him.

Bruce smiled back at him. He jumped up and floated to the ceiling. "Ah." He gasped as he was heading straight for it. Stephen moved his hands about, expanding the ceiling. Things around the room became abstract and move about.

"Wow..." Bruce was at a loss of words. This was amazing. Stephen had taken his breath away.

Stephen was happy to spark curiousness and happiness into his friends. It was satisfying, calming, and it made him feel happy.


"Ah!" Stephen gasped as Tony snuck up behind him and startled him. He dropped his hands suddenly, making the mirror dimension disappear. Tony and Bruce fell directly on Tony's bed. There was a loud crack. The cloak levitated Stephen in the air. He looked down at his friends. Tony was laughing. Stephen landed softly on the ground. "Guys, are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Bruce said. He was assisted by Stephen.

"I'm so sorry. Tony just scared me." Stephen said.

"It's fine Stephen, I'm fine." Bruce reassured him. "I can't say the same for Tony's bed." Bruce said, looking down at the bed.

"Wait. What?" Tony sat up quickly.

All three looked down at Tony's bed. It was broken in two.

"Oh man, I just got that one. The last one I burned during an experiment." Tony said. "They told me that they wouldn't let me get a new one til next year." Tony said.

"I'm sorry Tony." Stephen said. "Look, you can have mine."

"No, no." Tony sighed. "I don't sleep anyway."

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