Pass Me the Salt

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Narrator's POV

"Yeah. All we need is a car battery, three washers, and a blowdryer." Tony said.

Bruce and Stephen laughed.

They were just being geeks and making mechanic jokes at the lunch table.

Stephen was eating a salad this time with some water. Bruce had a sandwich accompanied by some orange juice and an apple. Tony had a tray of Chinese food the cafeteria served. Cafeteria food wasn't as bad as people made it seem. It was teriyaki chicken, an egg roll, fried rice (which he didn't find very tasty), green peas, and a fortune cookie.

"Wait, so what exactly are you and Bruce working on?" Stephen asked, poking at his salad.

"We can't talk about it here. Too many ears are listening." Tony said.

"Yeah, we can't have anyone eves dropping and-"

"Well, well, well." Came a voice. All three boys knew who it was. "If it isn't Dumb and Dumber...and their little pet." It was Timothy. Everett stood beside him.

Tony looked up at him. "Hey Flower Boy." He said.

"Anthony." Timothy said.

"How're you taking your loss?" Tony asked, smirking.

"Great actually. That's the thing about being the head master's favorite. It makes problems go away." Timothy said. Tony didn't say anything. Timothy laughed, he looked at Stephen who was poking at his salad. "Hello Stephen."

"Hi." Stephen said quietly, looking at his salad.

"Oh, you're not mad about the whole going in the creek prank, are you?" Timothy asked. Stephen said nothing. "Look, I'm sorry. I hope it didn't ruin our friendship." He said.

"Oh, no, no." Stephen looked up at him. "If you still want to be friends that's-"

"Take a hint Marlin." Everett said. "Don't you know what sarcasm is?"


"Lets just move already." Bruce said, gathering his things and getting up.

"Yeah, you listen to your friends." Everett said. He picked up Stephen's water and poured it into his salad.

Stephen sighed, while Timothy and Everett laughed.

"Oh, no. Let's hope he doesn't turn us into frogs." Timothy joked. Everett laughed. "Let's go." They began to walk away.

"That's it." Tony grabbed his spoon. "They want to pick a fight, they'll get a fight."

"Tony." Bruce said.

"Hey Timothy!" Tony shouted. Timothy turned around. "Joke on this!" Tony bent his spoon full of teriyaki sauce backward and let go. It went all over Timothy. The cafeteria went silent, a few people gasped and whispered about.

Timothy looked down at his stained suit, then up at Tony.

"FOOD FIGHT!" A boy with shoulder length blonde hair shouted. He threw mash potatoes across the cafeteria, hitting someone in the face with it. Oh, how the Asgardians loved to play.

Soon food flew all over the place, hitting anyone, splattering on the walls, staining the ceiling. Students were shouting and laughing. Some took refuge under the tables.

Tony laughed as Everett had just been splashed with chocolate pudding.

"Stark!" Timothy grabbed spaghetti from a nearby table and tossed it at him. Tony ducked, avoiding the mess.

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