Silent As Night

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Narrator's POV

"There!" Tony pointed at a door. Tony wriggled the doorknob once the two got there. "Dammit. It's locked." Tony looked around.

"Step aside." Bucky said, pushing Tony aside. He slammed his metal forearm down on the doorknob. It came off.

"Glad I got stuck with you." Tony said.

"Yeah. Me too." Bucky said.

Suddenly the clicking of heels came into their ears.

"Careful!" Tony pushed him on the ground and blasted a blue bean out of his glove.

"Uh!" A grunt came from Natasha. Smoke filled the hall and the smoke detectors went off.

"Damn." Bucky looked back at Tony. "Thanks."

"Here." Tony stretched an arm out for Bucky to take.

Bucky reached for it, but he was taken by the ankle and dragged into the cloud of smoke. "Fuck! Tony run!" He yelped before he disappeared into the smoke.

Light from electrical sparks made a shadow in the smoke. Bucky was down on the ground. Natasha was pulling on his metal arm. Bucky screamed, and his arm started to rip from his body.

Tony watched as it came completely off, and Bucky's body fell limp on the ground. He saw Natasha drop the arm on the ground with a thud, then look back up at Tony.

Tony gasped and quickly kicked the door open. He stepped inside.

In front of him, under a light, Stephen sat in a chair tied up with a cloth over his mouth. He looked awful.

"Stephen!" Tony ran toward him. "God." He looked at Stephen. "What did he do to you?"

"Mm! Mhm! Mmm!" Stephen muffled words.
Tony removed the cloth from Stephen's mouth. "Watch-"

"Uh!" Tony grunted as something hit him on the head.

"Tony!" Stephen yelped.

Tony tried his best to keep his eyes opened, but his vision was going. Stephen's voice echoed in his ears.

"Very nice of you to join us Anthony..."

"Timothy?" Was the last thing Tony said before everything turned black.


"Ah!" Tony gasped as he came back to consciousness. He opened eyes, he saw his legs were tied to the two front legs of a chair. He tried moving his hands, but they were tied behind him. He pulled at them. "Shit." He whispered at any attempt he made to break lose was useless. He sighed and looked up. He saw Stephen tied up in a chair in front of him, behind a glass wall. He gasped. "Stephen!" He yelped as he watched Stephen yelling and trying to break free from the ropes.

There was a chuckle around the room. "Hello Anthony."

He looked around. "What do you want?" He asked.

"Stephen and I have been having a great time waiting for you."

"Tell me what you want, and I'll give it to you."

"Oh, why the sudden surrender?" Timothy suddenly appeared next to Stephen, tilting his chair back.

"Let him go! He didn't nothing to you!" Tony said, trying to break free from the chair. "It's me you need. He doesn't have anything."

"But I like him." Timothy chuckled. "He's a very good listener. He's very comfortable to be around." Timothy took Stephen by the face.

"Stop it! Leave him!"

"Say, would you happen to have any more bandaids? Stephen is in need of some." He said, untying one of Stephen's hands and lifting it in the air, showing off the damage he had done to them.

"You're a monster." Tony growled.

"Oh, it's not like he actually needs the-" Stephen took Timothy by the throat. "Oh! He's a feisty one, aye?" Timothy chuckled. He jabbed Stephen in the ribs, making him groan and let go of Timothy. "I see why you like this one."

Tony watched as Timothy went into the dark around Stephen. "You know, he's quite durable." Timothy kept talking. He came back with a knife.

"What do you want?!" Tony tried getting out of his chair.

"No good." Came another voice.

Tony turned around. It was Natasha.

"I see you've met Nat." Timothy chuckled. "Quite the actress, isn't she? Had you totally fooled."

"Where's everyone else?" Tony asked her.

"Don't worry, they're fine." She said, showing Tony live feed of the rest of his friends on a tablet.

They were all tied up in chairs, struggling to break free. Thor and Bruce had chains instead of rope. Tony took count of them, he gasped when he noticed she was one short.

"Let them go." Tony said. "Let everyone go, and I'll give you want you want." Tony said.

"I don't know Tony..." Timothy stood behind Stephen. "I really felt like seeing blood today." He took Stephen by the hair and pulled his head back, exposing his throat. He put the blade against his throat.

"Don't!" Tony yelped.

"I think I'm just gonna kill him for the sake of it!" Timothy laughed, and pressed the knife closer to Stephen's throat.

"No!" Tony yelped.

Everything turned black. The lights went out.

"Urgh..." Timothy groaned. "Natasha, turned on the lights. How else am I suppose to see Tony's terrified face?" He said. The lights flickered on. "Oh, hello." Timothy said.

Tony noticed someone new behind him through the reflection of the glass. The lights flickered off before he could turn around and see.

"Uh!" Natasha groaned. There was a thud in front of Tony followed by shattering.

The lights flickered on. Tony saw Natasha in front of him on the ground. Then the lights flickered off.

"The green button on the desk should keep the lights on." A voice said behind him.

He recognized that accent. He felt his hands become free, then his legs. He quickly stood up. The lights flickered on. Tony raced for the desk and kept the lights on.

T'challa pounced on Natasha, kicking a gun away from her hand and toward Tony. He held her down.

Tony took the gun and cocked it, pointing it at Timothy, who was now pointing one at Stephen. "Let him go."

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