Fire and Butterflies

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Narrator's POV

"Bruce! Bruce!" Tony ran to Bruce's and Thor's room. "Tim-" He saw that there were more than just two bodies in the room. Everyone turned to him. "Timothy took Stephen." He said. "He took him. He has him." Tony was out of breath, his heart pounded hard. Adrenaline rushed through his veins.

"Yes. We know." T'calla said.

"They were just telling us." Bruce said.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Tony said. "Let's go." He could't waste anymore time. Stephen could be hurt or even worse, dead by now.

Thor extended his hand out and his hammer came to him. "Yes. I finally get to use Mjölnir for something not involving woodwork."

"Okay. Wait." Bruce said. Thor looked at him.

"Bruce, we have no time to waste." Tony said.

"How are we going to find him? He could be anywhere." Bruce said.

"We would know." Everett said. Bruce, Thor and Tony looked at him. "He showed us all of his hideouts. He showed me a few he didn't show the rest." He admitted.

"Where's the closest one?" Tony asked.

"There's one by the creek." Bucky said.

"We have to go there now." Tony ran out. Everyone followed him.


Stephen let his head hang from his neck, looking down. His cheeks were stained with tears, and his lip had blood running down the side of it. His hands were still tied to the table. They were in agony.

Timothy whistled a tune as he walked around the dark.

"Aww, are you tired?" Timothy asked. Stephen didn't answer. Timothy walked over to him and cupped his chin, lifting his head. Stephen looked like a little kid crying
who had lost their mother. His eyes were puffy with tears. His left eye was purple. He was exhausted, in pain. He didn't even have the energy to talk. "Do you wanna go home?" Stephen nodded. "I know. I want you to go home too, but I need that equation."

Stephen sucked in a breath. "I..." He gasped. His chest hurt. "I don't...know it."

"Stephen." Timothy shook his head. "Let's not do this again."

"I p-promise." Stephen groaned in pain. "I forgot. It was a while ago."

Timothy smiled. "Well then..." He let go of Stephen. "I'll just wait till Anthony comes."

"He won't." Stephen said. Timothy turned to him. "He won't come."

"Oh, he'll come." Timothy said. "He can't leave the one thing he loves the most behind." Stephen looked up at him in surprise.

There was a beeping.

Timothy displayed something on a computer. "Oh, looks like your friends are coming for you." He said, looking back at Stephen. "Let's mess around a little and make them chase us." Timothy said, untying Stephen's hands from the table and tying them again.

"Timothy, p-please. Just let me go." Stephen said.

"Oh, shh..." Timothy said, packing a few things. "I have a nicer place than this. You'll like it." He walked by Stephen with his things. Stephen sighed. "Come on." Timothy jerked the chair Stephen sat on.


Tony kicked a door open. He held his hand up, showing his red glove and blue blaster. He looked around. He gasped for air. His adrenaline was skyrocketing through the roof. "Where..." He panted, looking around.

Everyone else came in after him, holding up their weapons.

"Where is he?" Tony looked around.

"He must've known we were coming." Clint said. He picked up a cord. "It's still warm. He was here a few minutes ago."

Tony turned to him, then looked at Bucky. "You said he was here." He pointed his blaster at Bucky.

"Whoa, Tony." Bruce tried to calm Tony down.

"Calm down." Steve said, holding up a shield. "We need to stay together. We don't need another person hurt."

"How do you know he's hurt?" Tony asked, pointing his blaster at Steve now.

"Put your blaster down." T'challa said, activating black gloves over his hands.

"Are you working with him?" Tony asked T'challa. He looked at everyone else. "You're all traitors. You're with him."

"Enough, Anthony." Thor spoke. Everyone looked at him. "They are here to help us. They want to help you. You're getting caught up in your emotions. You need to calm down. You can't afford more enemies at the moment.

Tony kept his blaster pointed at the others. He looked at Thor, then at the others. He sighed and slowly put the blaster down. Everyone around him relaxed.

Bruce patted Tony on the back.

Everyone began to walk around the room, searching for clues that might lead to Timothy and Stephen.

"Tony." Everett said.

Tony turned to him. He saw Everett holding up a star bandaid. Tony walked over to him. He saw the pile of bandaids. He picked them up, but something else caught his attention. There was blood on the other side of the table.

His hands...

"That bastard!" He slammed his fist on the table.


"Timothy please..." Stephen groaned in Timothy's arms.

"Be patient. We're almost there." Timothy looked down at Stephen. He was carrying him bridal style as they walked in the dark woods.

Stephen's body was limp. He couldn't even hold up his own head, it swung from side to side with every step Timothy took. He was so weak.

"Timothy." Stephen whimpered in pain.

"Are you in pain?" Timothy asked.


Timothy set Stephen down and leaned him up against a tree. He took a syringe out of his pocket. "This will make you feel better."

"N-No." Stephen tried to pull away. "No drugs. No drugs please."

"It's okay, Stephen." Timothy said, taking his arm. "It's good for you. It'll make the pain go away." He took the cap off the syringe and flicked it with his fingers.

"Timothy..." Stephen whimpered.

"I know. I know." Timothy broke through Stephen's skin and pushed the drug into Stephen's system. He smiled. "You'll start feeling better in a minute." He picked Stephen back up and continued walking.

"I-I..." Stephen's eyes felt heavy. Everything began to turn blurry. "Timothy..."

"Ah, there we go." Timothy's voice echoed.

It was the last thing Stephen heard before everything turned black.

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