Stars and Lightning

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Narrator's POV

"Wizard! Stark!" Thor ran into Tony's and Stephen's room.

Tony was at his desk, working on a gadget, while Stephen watered his succulents. Inside of Randy's little plant pot, sat a small sign that read: Rip Randy.

"What?" Tony looked up from his work.

"Looks who isn't dead?" Thor said holding Robert in one hand.

"Oh my gosh, he's alive." Stephen smiled.

"How is it still alive?" Tony asked.

"Turns out, the thing that we buried in the back was just a molded shell." Bruce said, coming from behind Thor. "Robert was just hiding behind some plants in his tank. He's alive and well."

"Isn't that great?!" Thor smiled, happily cuddling his lobster.

"Just wonderful." Tony rolled his eyes and went back to his work.

"I knew you secretly liked him." Thor said.


"Urgh..." Bruce tossed over in his bed. It was the middle of the evening. He didn't have any chemistry to do. Stephen was busy with his ballet lessons. Yes, he told everyone. He wasn't gonna let anyone's opinion stop him from doing what he loved. Tony was taking midday classes. Thor was as happy as he could be with Robert. Bruce got an idea. "Hey, Thor." He sat up.

"Hm?" Thor said, staring at his lobster with heart eyes. He had been sitting in front of Robert's tank for at least an hour and a half, just watching the red animal.

"Do you maybe want to... I don't know...go out and do stuff?" Bruce asked, blushing a bit.

"Yup." Thor said.

"Great!" Bruce smiled. Then the room went quiet again. "So...what do you want to do?" He asked.

"Doesn't matter." Thor said, still looking into the tank.

"Well, what do you feel like doing?"

"Anything you want to do." Thor said, tapping the glass to Robert's tank.

"Hmm..." Bruce thought for a minute. "You wanna watch a movie?"


"But you just-hmm..." Bruce fell back in his bed. He couldn't think of anything to do.

"I hadn't noticed it was dark already." Thor said.

"Hm?" Bruce sat up and looked out the window. It was dark. Another idea popped into his mind. "Hey, you wanna go star gazing?"

"Seems like a fun idea." Thor said, looking at Bruce.

"Great." Bruce got up. "Might wanna grab a jacket or something. It's cold outside." Bruce said, putting a yellow sweater over himself.

"I don't have any of those." Thor said.

"What? Then how do you endure the cold weather?" Bruce asked.

"I can just handle the cold. It doesn't bother me." Thor explained.

"But you'll get sick."

"Never have. Never will." Thor smiled at him.

"Here." Bruce pulled out a purple sweater for Thor. "Take this one. It's a little big for me, so I'm sure it'll fit you."

"No. It's fine. Really."

"Thor, I'm not asking you. I'm telling you." Bruce said.

"By Odin's beard, you will not put a sweater on me!" Thor said, standing up on his bed.

"Thor Odinson." Bruce said. "You will put this sweater on, or we will not go anywhere." Bruce said, looking up at Thor. "Get down here, now." He pointed at the floor.

"You cannot make me." Thor said, crossing his arms.

"Thor, don't make me drag you out of that bed."

"Ha! My godlike strength is too much for-ah!" Thor was pulled off the bed and thrown on the ground, landing on his stomach.

"Put on the damn sweater!" Bruce jumped on top of him, putting the sweater over Thor's head.

"Banner, no!" Thor tried to get out from under him.

"Banner, yes!" Bruce said, pulling the sweater down onto Thor's shoulders.


"Hah..." Bruce sighed as he stared up at the night sky.

He and Thor had gone out to the green grass fields to watch the stars. Thor was sitting on the ground, pulling on the collar of the sweater. It was itchy.

"What is it?" Thor asked.

"I'm just disappointed." Bruce answered him.

"Oh." Thor said. "Why?"

"The stars. There aren't as many as there used to be." Bruce said. Thor shot him a confused look. "It's difficult to see the stars because of something called light pollution. It's means that all the city lights block out the stars and-" Bruce noticed Thor wasn't sitting down on the ground next to him. "Was it something I said?" He asked himself.

"Don't worry Banner." Thor said, embracing an electrical post. He grunted, making thunder strike the power lines. All the lights of the city behind them turned off, one by one. The city went dark.

But the stars were just mesmerizing. You could see all of them. It was amazing.

"Wow. Unbelievable." Bruce was impressed. Thor went over to him. He was feeling pretty proud of himself. "You just took power away from innocent civilians which is pretty reckless and... Thor?" Bruce asked, as he noticed Thor's expression change into one of sadness.

Thor's determination didn't end, however.

He made a lightning strike fall to the ground, sparkling and glittering in front of Bruce.

Bruce was wowed.


"So, what experiment is this for, anyway?" Thor asked Bruce as the two sat at the top of a green grass hill, watching the stars.

"Oh, it's not. I just really enjoy getting a good look at the stars sometimes." Bruce explained.

Thor looked at Bruce. "Oh, is that all you wanted?"

"Yeah, I-"

"HEIMDALL!" Thor called.

Soon, a colorful light surrounded Bruce and Thor.

"Ah!" Bruce gasped and clasped on to Thor.

Thor laughed and looked at Bruce. He took his face in his hands. Bruce's cheeks flushed red. They looked at each other for a few moments and laughed, closing their eyes, holding each other with their foreheads together.

Soon their feet touched a surface. They let go of each other. Bruce and Thor stood in front of a semi circle golden structure that allowed access to a beautiful view, sprinkled with stars.

"So, what do you think?" Thor asked.

Bruce's jaw dropped open. "Unbelievable." He gasped. The stars twinkled in his eyes. "It's amazing!"

Thor smiled down at his shoes, with a blush on his cheeks.

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