The "B" Word

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Narrator's POV

"Well guys, it's has come to our last day of spring break before we go back to school. So I saved the best for last." Bruce said, standing in front of Thor, Tony, and Stephen. "The River Walk." He said.

"Isn't that just a market along the river side?" Tony asked.

"Not just a market. It's restaurants, shops, games. You name it. They have everything." Bruce said. "And! Get this, you can ride a small ferry down the river that explains the history of the establishment." Bruce said.

"Wow, so exciting." Thor rolled his eyes.

"I know!" Bruce jumped up.

"Sorry Brucie, but we didn't go on this trip to go learn-"

"That sounds like a great learning opportunity." Stephen smiled.

"-about not important stuff." Tony turned his sentence right back around. "I bet the place is just pouring with history." He said.

"I knew you guys would like it." Bruce smiled. "Now, come on. I don't want to waste a single second."

"Can Robert come?" Thor asked, standing up. He had a baby carrier around himself. Robert sat in it, looking at Bruce with his beady little eyes.

"Of course he can." Bruce told him.


"So, what should we do first?" Bruce asked.

There were lots of people at the tourist attraction. There were small businesses and stands by the river side. There were restaurants and creameries. There were women in flowery dresses with large skirts. There was a band playing music as they danced.

"Bruce, can we got get some ice cream? I really want some." Thor said, looking at Bruce.

"Sure, just as long as you don't rub it on yourself." Bruce said.

"Yes." Thor almost took off running, but Bruce pulled him back.

"You guys coming?" Bruce turned to Stephen and Tony.

"You guys go ahead. I think Stephen is more interested in the history of this place." Tony said, pointing back at Stephen, who was reading a historical marker.

"Wow, Tony! Did you know this place originated in 1734 as just a small creek?" Stephen said.

"Oh, I see." Bruce winked at Tony.

"Huh?" Tony raised a brow.

"You guys go ahead and take your time." Bruce kept winking.

"Why are you winking?" Tony asked.

"We'll make sure to take our time also." Bruce said, walking away with Thor. "We'll take our sweet time." He laughed.

Tony watched him walk away with Thor. "Dorks." He said. He turned back to Stephen. "Alright, what do you want to do?" He asked.

"Everything." Stephen said. "This place is full of so much to see, to smell, to hear, to taste." His eyes sparkled with wonder.

Tony laughed, shaking his head, looking down. "Oh, Stephen." He felt a trembling hand take his. "WAH!" He got pulled.


"Oh gods." Thor said, overwhelmed as he looked through a glass at the ice cream flavors the creamery had.

"What is it?" Bruce asked, as he took a lick from his fudge flavored ice cream.

"They have a much bigger selection than the one we went to last time." Thor said.

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