Not So Good Luck

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Narrator's POV

He had dark goggles on. There also was something blue on his sternum. He lifted the goggles up. "Jarvis scan." He said. A blue light shone brightly on Stephen.


The light went up and down on Stephen's body.

"H-Hey!" He felt violated.

Scan complete.

"Whatcha got for me?" The boy asked, still looking at Stephen.

Stephen Vincent Strange. Sixteen year old. Male. Involved in a bad car accident. Advanced martial art training and skills. He came from Kamar-Taj from a magic council.

"Oh, so we've got ourselves a wizard. Great!" He said. "Can you do any magic tricks? Maybe pull a rabbit out of those ridiculous shorts you've got on." He said.

Stephen looked down at his clothes.

Were they really ugly?

The cloak removed itself from Stephen's shoulder and went over to the boy.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." The boy took an electric drill and pointed it at the red cloak. "What is this?" He asked.

"Hey calm down. The Cloak of Levitation is a very precious relic, not to mention an antique." Stephen said.

"Oh, so you're a boring wizard." The Cloak waved violently. "What's it doing? Why did it-" The cloak slapped the drill out of the boy's hand.

"He's just protecting me. He didn't like the way you insulted me Anthony." Stephen said.


"Excuse me?" Stephen asked.

"Call me Tony. Anthony is a stupid name." The boy said.

"Oh. Alright. Tony." Stephen said. "Alright Cloak, come on." He said, walking further into the room. Tony went back to working on whatever he was working on before he was interrupted. Stephen saw Tony's bed. "Aren't there suppose to be two beds?" He asked.

"Oh yes. The other one is over there." Tony didn't look up, just pointed with a screw driver to a pile of boxes and gadgets.

"Under this mess?" Stephen asked.

"Haven't had a roommate in the time I've been here." Tony said, continuing his work.

"Hm." Stephen let yellow aurora flow out of his hands. He covered the pile of boxes in it and began to move them about the room.

Tony saw boxes flying around the room in the corner of his eye. He looked up and saw all his stuff being moved. "Hey hey. Careful with-" He saw what Stephen was doing. "Whoa." He was amazed. "So you actually are a wizard."

Stephen turned to him. "Bet a magician wouldn't be able to this, huh?" Stephen cocked his eyebrows.

"What's in the bag?" Tony asked, seeing the satchel Stephen was carrying. He got up and walked over to Stephen.

"Books actually." Stephen waved his hand and the things moved around on their own. He turned to Tony and opened the satchel. The thing hanging around Stephen's neck caught his attention. "This one takes about the balance of the universe. This one is about casting spells t-"

"Yeah, yeah. What's that?" Tony asked, reaching for it.

"Hey! Don't touch!" Stephen pulled away, the cloak came to his shoulders, levitating him and spreading itself wide, trying to create a more intimidating image.

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