We Love Buttons

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Narrator's POV

"All those in favor of doing absolutely nothing, say "Aye"." Tony said as they all still lay in bed. It was 12:23 in the afternoon.

"Aye." Bruce and Thor answered.

They were all regretting staying up so late, and their bodies had it even worse...well, except Stephen's. He was the only one out of bed.

Stephen was floating by the window with his legs crossed and his arms at his sides, he had his eyes closed.

The three laying in bed stared at him.

Thor propped himself up with his elbows and looked Stephen. "Is that how he sleeps?" He asked.

Tony sat up. "No, he's medicating or something."

"Meditating." Bruce corrected his friend.

"Yeah, yeah. That." Tony nodded as he yawned.

"Oh." Thor said. "Why?" He asked.

"I don't really kno-"

"I'm channeling the energy waves in my body and altering their patterns to help my body heal and recover the sleep I lost last night." Stephen answered, still with his eyes closed and in his meditating position.

"Wizard stuff." Tony waved his hands about. He stretched. "Anyway..." He yawned. "Who's ready to go do some more stuff today?" He asked.

"Is there anything else to do here?" Bruce asked, laying back down. Thor laid back down two, placing a leg over one of Bruce's.

"Well..." Tony took out a pamphlet from one of the drawers in the nightstand. "There's a late Mardi Gras parade later today downtown. There's also a river walk, which is a very big tourist attraction. Let's see..." Tony looked closely at the pamphlet. "There's all sorts of things to do." He said.

"Why don't we go to the Mardi Gras parade?" Bruce asked.

Thor sat up. "You guys celebrate a type of grass?" He asked.

"Thor it's..." Bruce shook his head and laughed a little.


Once everyone had gotten dressed, and Stephen and Bruce both had gotten the keys to the room, they walked down the hallway and waited for the elevator.

"I think after last night, I was so tired that I didn't have enough energy to snore." Thor said.

"That's a relief." Tony said.


They stepped aside for a housekeeper to walk out of the elevator. Then they walked in.

"We're going to the lobby." Tony said, reaching for the first floor button, but Thor had pressed it before him. He felt so...angry. He wanted to be the one to push the button. He looked at Thor.

"You're welcome." Thor smiled at him.

"I wanted to push the button." Tony said.

The doors closed.

"It's okay Tony. You can press it on our way back up when we come back." Bruce said, placing a hand on Tony's shoulder.

Tony just stood there with his arms crossed in silence. In fact, the whole group was silent. No one wanted to talk. There was tension in the air. Stephen ignored them and read his book instead.

"You know what? Let me just..." Tony pressed the number back to their floor. The elevator began going back up.

"Tony." Bruce said.

"I forgot something in the room." Tony said.

"But we need to get on the road." Thor said, pressing the lobby button. The elevator started going back down.

"But I need to go back to the room." Tony pushed his button again.

"No, you don't." Bruce pushed the lobby button again. "You just want to be the last person to press a button."

"I do not." Tony pushed his button again. "I forgot my wallet."

"I saw you put it in your pocket this morning." Stephen looked up from his book.

"Hey, who's side are you on? I saved you last night." Tony said. Thor got behind Tony and pressed the lobby button. "Hey, Thor-" He bumped against Thor, who got pushed into the wall, pressing multiple buttons.

There was a continuous beeping sound coming from somewhere in the elevator.

"Thor what did you do?" Bruce asked, looking at all the lit up buttons.

"It wasn't me. Tony pushed me." He said.

"You bumped into me." Tony said. He turned around to see all the buttons. He counted. "You pressed 36 floors?! What's wrong with you?"

"It wasn't me. You pushed me." Thor said, pressing random buttons, trying to get the elevator to stop.

Tony slapped his hand. "Stop, you're gonna break it." Tony said. He began to pressed buttons as well.

"Hey, I wanna press some too." Thor said, pushing Tony aside.

"But I can press better and faster than you." Tony said.

"That's a fat bet." Thor said, pressing buttons.

"I bet I can press more buttons that you." Tony said, pressing buttons.

"Guys." Bruce tried to intervene. "Guys, stop." He said. "You're actually going to break it."

It was getting hot in the elevator, and quite rowdy. Stephen wasn't having it. He put his book down and waved his hand up. He lifted all three into the air and sat them on the floor to the right, away from the buttons. Then he used a spell to press every single button.

"There." He said. "Because of of your childlike behavior, we're not getting off this elevator till we go and stop at every single floor." Stephen said, and went back to reading his book.

"Hmph." Tony crossed his arms and sat in his spot.

"I won." Thor whispered to Tony.

"No you didn't." Tony whispered back. "No one won."

"I definitely had more buttons pressed than you." Thor said.

"No you didn't. I had more." Tony told him.

"Guys, guys..." Bruce came between them. "If anyone here won, it was Stephen. He pressed every single button on the panel." Bruce said.

"The wizard?" Thor asked. "His magic is no match for my strength." Thor said. "I won that fair and-" A green aurora zipped across his lips, shutting him up.

Bruce and Tony looked at Thor than at Stephen, who was reading.

"Would anyone else like to speak?" Stephen asked, not looking up from his book.

Tony and Bruce staid quiet, shaking their heads.


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