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Narrator's POV

"So I was thinking we could all go out later to eat at "China Town"." Bruce said as he took a bite of his sandwich. Thor sat next to him eating a turkey leg.

"Chinese sounds good for tonight." Tony said, taking a bite of the burger the cafeteria served.

"Tony, do want to try some?" Stephen offered Tony a fork full of lettuce and herbs from his salad bowl.

"Mm-mm." Tony shook his head with a mouthful of burger.

"I've been meaning to ask..." Bruce swallowed. "Are you vegetarian, Stephen?"

Stephen looked at him. "Yes, I am."

"What?" Tony looked at him. "Why? You poor thing."

Stephen laughed. "I don't like the idea of taking an animal's life."

"Animal?" Thor looked up from his food.

"Yeah. That turkey leg came from a turkey Big Jim." Tony told Thor. "You know, they also cook things like Robert."

Thor gasped. "Do not say that." He said. "I saved his life."

"It was his destiny." Tony said, laughing.

"No one's destiny is to die." Thor said.

"So, Chinese?" Stephen interrupted.

Thor and Tony looked at him.

"Yeah, sounds good." Thor said, continuing to eat his food.

"Yeah." Tony followed.


"Stephen, are you wearing that?" Tony asked, putting his shirt on, facing the mirror and catching a glance of Stephen.

"Wearing what?" Stephen asked, looking at himself.

"That." Tony moved his hand up and down.

Stephen raised a brow. "What's wrong with it?"

"Well, we're not in Kamar-Taj anymore." Tony came closer to Stephen. "People...dress a little differently here." Tony tried his best not to offend his boyfriend.

"But this is my armor." Stephen said. "I must always be prepared for any sort of attack."

"Trust me, no one is gonna try to kill you." Tony told him.

"Timothy almost killed you." Stephen shot a glance at Tony.

"MY POINT IS..." Tony breathed in. "You need a new look." Stephen raised a brow. "Here, let's take this off." Tony tugged at a cloth wrapped around Stephen's waist, pulling it off after.

"Hey, I need that." Stephen tried to get it back.

"Oh, relax. It's just a rag." Tony laughed. He tossed one end around Stephen's end, then grabbed it, tugging at it; pulling Stephen closer to him. "Now...let's see what's under that robe..."


"Man, Stark and the wizard are sure taking their time." Thor said.

He and Bruce were waiting outside the dorm.

"Yeah, they are." Bruce said, looking up at their room window. "Oh, here they come." Bruce said as he saw little sparks next to him. "It's about ti- Wow, Stephen." Bruce whistled.

"Like it?" Tony asked, coming behind Stephen.

Stephen was dressed in a green long sleeve sweater with the collar of a white dress shirt folded down over the sweater. He wore navy colored jeans and brown leather shoes. Around his neck still hung his amulet.

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