New Friends... Sort Of

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Narrator's POV

"Hey Bruce." Thor said, coming into the room.

"Yes?" Bruce asked with his back to Thor as he moved a box of chemicals on the counter top.

"You'll never guess who I met today."

"Oh, yeah?" Bruce set the chemicals down, and turned to Thor. "Who did-" He stopped when he saw.

"This is Steve Rogers." Thor smiled. "And this is his friend Bucky Barnes."

"Yeah. I know Thor." Bruce said. "He's one of the ones that attacked Tony." Bruce wiped his hands on a small towel and walked to the door. He clenched his fists. "What is it that you want?"

"Whoa, whoa...calm down Bruce." Bucky said as he slowly backed up. "There's no need to get violent. I'm not the same person I was. I've changed."

"Why do I have a hard time believing that?" Bruce asked.

"It's true. Timothy actually went crazy. We all left him behind." Bucky said. "Just ask Steve." He pointed at the new face. Bruce turned to this so called Steve.

"I swear if you're trying to trick us... I swear I will unleash all my rage and fury on you." Bruce threatened.

"I have no association with Timothy." Steve said. He stretched his hand out for Bruce to shake. "Steve Rogers." He said.

Bruce eyed him and shook his hand. He wasn't 100% convinced that they were not with Timothy. "Bruce Banner."

Bucky stood by Steve's side.

"Hi, I'm Thor." Thor said, smiled.

"I know. You told me when I saw you and just now when you introduced us to your room." Steve said.

"Oh." Thor said. "Just so you don't forget, I'm Thor."

"Okay." Steve smiled.

"So..." Bucky spoke. "Where's Anthony?"

"In his room. Why?" Bruce asked.

"I would very much like to apologize to him." Bucky said.

"Wow. You've really rewired this one, haven't you?" Bruce looked at Steve.

"Ha!" Thor laughed. "Rewired." He said. "Get it? Because he has a robotic arm?"

"No, Thor. I wasn't..." Bruce squinted at Thor in confusion. "That doesn't even-" Thor kept laughing. "Never mind."


>Knock< >Knock<

Stephen looked up from his book to the door. He saw Everett. The book in his hands vanished, and he put up magic shields. He floated over to the door. His cloak swooshed and raised, making Stephen look more threatening and intimidating.

"What the? Stephen?" Tony looked up from his welding and turned off his torch. He removed his welding mask. "What's..." He turned to the door and saw Everett. He stood up, turning his rocket shoes on and floating along Stephen. A red glove appeared at one of his hands and made a high pitch hiss. He pointed it at Everett.

"Wait, wait!" Everett said, putting his hands up.

"What is it that you want?" Stephen asked.

"Did you comeback for another taste of this wizard?" Tony asked.

"No." Suddenly another boy stepped out of the hall, behind Everett. "He is here to apologize." He had a foreign accent.

"Who are you?" Tony asked.

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