The Opposite of Relaxation

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Narrator's POV

"So." Tony spoke with a mouth full of waffle as the four boys sat down at a table in the hotel breakfast lobby. "Where did you and Thor run off to yesterday?" He pointed at Bruce.

Bruce looked up from his bowl of cereal. He looked at Thor. "Uh...we got caught in a limbo line. Right, Thor?" He nudged Thor, who was enjoying some scrambled eggs and some small round sausages with orange juice.

"Hm?" He looked up with a mouthful. Bruce looked back at Tony, then back at Thor. He swallowed. "Oh, yeah. There were these really nice girls who kept insisting I-"

"We keep dancing, but we couldn't stay. We had to look for you guys." Bruce cut Thor off.

"Oh." Stephen said, looking up from his fruit bowl.

"What about you?" Bruce asked.

"Well, you see-"

"We got pushed into a tent with this lady who married people. She offered to marry us." Stephen said, laughing a little.

"Oh, did she now?" Bruce smirked at Tony.

Tony blushed a deep red. "Sadly we couldn't accept her offer. We had to go out and look for you guys." He said.

"Oh, yes." Stephen nodded.

"Mmm." Bruce said, returning to his cereal.

The four ate in silence. People around them talked, and the television played the news.

Thor looked up from his food. "What would you guys like to do today?" He asked.

Bruce and Tony looked at each other.

"Well..." Tony spoke. "Bruce and I were thinking about going to the water park."

"Oh, a water park." Thor smiled. "It's been ages since I've been swimming."

"Yeah. We thought it'd be a good way to cool off and relax." Bruce said.

"Yeah. We've been jumping all over and partying all around. It's time we simmer down and relax." Tony said.

"Sounds great." Stephen said.

"Alright. Then after breakfast, let's get our stuff." Bruce said.


"Do we have everything?" Bruce asked, looking back at Tony and Thor in the backseat of the Jeep, who were fighting over some red licorice. He rolled his eyes, and looked at Stephen. "Do you have sunscreen? You're gonna need it since you're the palest one out of all of us."

"Of course. I never leave without it." Stephen said, taking it out of his bag. He put some on his pointer finger and index finger of his left hand and put it on his nose.

"Your regular human strength is no match for my godlike strength!" Thor yelped.

"Shut up! I brought this with my money. They're mine." Tony said.


"Well boys, welcome to The Slippery Wet Dolphin." Bruce said, as they had just entered the parking lot of the water park.

They found parking pretty quickly and got off. They were all wearing swimming trunks and sandals, along with a T-shirt. Tony wore his funky sunglasses, Thor had his hair up in a bun, and Stephen had one of Tony's baseball caps on. They paid their admission and were soon inside the coolest water park they had ever seen.

"Good thing you chose a water park. Today's temperatures are suppose to be high." Thor said. "Oh, what's that?" He ran to it.

"Thor wait!" Bruce wasn't able to catch him. He looked back at Tony and Stephen. "I'll be back. I need to get him." Bruce said, running after Thor. "Thor! Get back here."

Tony laughed. He turned to Stephen. "So, what would you like to do?" He asked, taking Stephen's hands in his.

Stephen blushed, and gave Tony a small smile. "Well..." He looked around. "How about we go to the lazy river?"

"Sounds great to me for relaxation." Tony said, walking that way with his boyfriend.


"Thor, I swear if you keep doing these things on purpose..." Bruce said, looking through a crowd of people. He walked by the pool side of a pool he'd seen Thor run by. "Thor. Thor, where are you?" He asked. "Thor! Tho-" He got pushed into the pool by some running kids. He pushed himself up into the surface, gasping for air. He couldn't swim. He didn't know how. His arms and legs felt like noodles at the moment. He didn't know what to do with them. "Help! He-" He sunk in the water again, swallowing some this time.

No one was able to hear him due to the loud music playing and people shouting and playing. The life guard was applying sunscreen and didn't see a thing.

Bruce broke the water's surface once again, gasping. "Help!" He saw a familiar hair bun in the crowd. "Thor! Tho-" He sunk again.

Thor turned around just in time to see Bruce's hand sinking into the water. "Banner!" He shouted and ran to the pool. He removed his shirt and dove into the water. He saw Bruce struggling at the bottom. He swam over to him and grabbed him, swimming to the surface with him.

"AH!" Bruce gasped as he latched onto Thor. He trembled, holding on tight to the Asgardian. He shuttered and hid himself in Thor's neck. "Don't let me go. Don't let me go."

"Hey, hey." Thor rubbed his back. "It's okay. It's alright." He said, cradling his friend almost. He swam to the edge, offering Bruce to get out first, but Bruce just held on tighter to Thor. "Take your time. It's fine." He said, holding Bruce in his arms.


"Well that was relaxing." Stephen said, putting his float away. "Don't you think-" He turned to Tony and paused.

"Yes, it was." Tony smiled at him, removing his sunglasses. He saw the look on Stephen's face. "What is it?"

"You're so sunburnt." Stephen said.

Tony looked down at himself. He laughed. "It's nothing." He slapped his shoulder. "See?" He smiled at Stephen, then a burning sensation took over his arm. His smile broke. "AH-"


"That was by far, the worst relaxation day I've ever had." Tony said sitting in the backseat with Bruce, who was wrapped up in a yellow towel.

"Agreed." Bruce said.

Stephen looked back at them in the rearview mirror. "How about we get some ice cream to make up for it?" He asked.

"I'm all in." Thor said in the passenger seat.

Tony and Bruce looked at each other.

"That sounds nice." Bruce said.

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