i'M nOt GaY

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Narrator's POV

"Tony we need more than just a toaster. It's not enough." Bruce said, holding up a toaster that was connected to some odd looking part that sat on Tony's desk. He wore goggles.

Tony had his welding mask over his face. Tony stopped working on what he has just welded. "Then get another one." He said.

Stephen was packing his satchel, getting ready to leave.

"Tony, I don't think you know what I'm talking about. This thing takes up more than-"

"All right guys, I'll be back around three if you need anything. I've gotta go to class." Stephen interrupted. He lifted his feet off the ground and bent them back. He flew past Tony and Bruce. "Have a good day." He said.

"You too. See you later." Tony said.

"Bye." Bruce waved.

Stephen was gone.

Bruce turned to Tony. "Since when do you say more than "mhm" to someone when they're leaving?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Tony kept his eyes on the part he was making. "I always say goodbye."

"Uh, no you don't." Bruce said. "You almost never say anything in fact."

Tony didn't say anything.

"Oh, I get it." Bruce smirked. "It's special treatment because you like hi-"

Tony turned to him. "I'm not gay." He said.

Bruce laughed a little.

"I'm not." Tony said. His cheeks turned red.

"Okay. Sure." Bruce smiled, rolling his eyes.

"Can we just go back to working here?" Tony asked, annoyed by the current subject.

"If you say so." Bruce said, taking the toaster apart more than it already was.


"Do you think one day you could teach me some magic?" Tony asked Stephen as they sat at a table in the cafeteria.

"Of course. The mystic arts are for anyone interested in them." Stephen said, blowing on his spoon before he put it in his mouth. He had soup for lunch.

The steam that Stephen blew away from his spoon hit Tony's nose, filling it with an exquisite aroma. "Soup, huh?" He said.

"Mhm." Stephen nodded.

Tony looked down at his sandwich. Pathetic.

"Would you like some?" Stephen offered.

"Oh, no. I wouldn't want to-"

"Hi, Stephen!" A female voice cut Tony off. It was Alina.

Stephen looked up at her and smiled. "Hello, Alina."

"How are you?" She asked.

"Well. I'm very well. Thank you. How about yourself?" Stephen asked.

"Oh, you know me. Busy. Busy. Busy." She said, laughing. Stephen laughed along with her.

Tony stared at the two enjoying their laugh. He squinted his eyes at Alina, almost giving her the stink eye.

"Thank you so much for that favor you did for us. We couldn't have done it with you." Alina said.

"Oh, I was more than glad." Stephen smiled at her.

"I'm sorry if Tony scared you a little." She looked at Tony, who looked away from her.

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